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Need advice - my son's speech

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I am new on this forum and this is my first post here. I need advice about my son. He is almost six years old, and I think he has some problems with his speech. Three years ago he was on speech therapy (for about six months) with private speech therapist. After six months she tested him, and told us that her job with our son is done. In her opinion his speech was fine. Before therapy he could not say nine sounds and all English blends. Instead of fish he would say sish, fox was tox.... Today, he can say all sounds and blends. He is reading very well for his age (kindergarten). He l-o-v-e-s to talk, but nobody understands him well except of me.

I am concerned about how he speaks. He is bilingual, and the same thing is happening in both languages. For example, he will say: " I have a big. " What he really wants to say is: " I have a big blue ball. " He always says only half of sentence. He is a very smart, and very, very active child. How to help him? Have you ever heard anything like this? Is he lazy to talk, or there is a real problem here?

Thank you in advance.

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My son is in speech for articulation, and there are speech therapists who specialize in articulation. That is just pronouncing/hearing the sounds, I think.


Other speech therapists specialize in pragmatic speech. I don't know as much about it b/c it is not what my son is in, but these kids speak very clearly. There is no problem with articulation. They just go to a speech therapist who does pragmatic speech.


There are different expectations for different ages, so he could have been fine for pragmatic speech and expressive language a few years ago, but need it now.


My son is at a clinic now and they did a language evaluation when he started. I think that is what I would want.


My son was not understood to the point it was effecting him having free play and imaginitive play with other kids. He would be upset when he wasn't understood (I often misunderstood him, too). He had temper tantrums. If there is anything like that -- it is important to bring it up. Where I am now they tend to only take kids who are having secondary problems caused by their speech.

Edited by Lecka
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Could very well be apraxia. I would get an eval with a PROMPT therapist. Google the PROMPT Institute and use their locator map. The therapist we use is certified, and she's *amazing*.


Regular therapists will often miss the apraxia (motor control), and regular speech therapy can be incredibly ineffective for it. It's how you end up with a child who is unintelligible. They're trying to talk but the motor control isn't there to control the formation. It's not a developmental delay but a motor control problem. Look for a PROMPT therapist. That's all they do is apraxia.

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