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Gestational Diabetes Test

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I am 25 weeks pregnant and took the 1 hour glucose test the other day. They told me today that I tested at 143 and need to take the 3 hour test to see if I have gestational diabetes. The thing is, I am going out of town tomorrow afternoon to visit family and will be gone for the next 2 1/2 weeks. They said I should take the test as soon as possible--which means if I fast for the 12 hours tonight I could go in first thing in the morning, but I would have to have everything ready to go and packed in the car tonight, and I would have to take my girls in with me, and try to keep them amused in the waiting room for three hours before dragging them through the long car ride, plane trip, layover, and second plane trip later in the day. Alternatively, I could try to find a preferred provider for my insurance down in CA who can send the results back so I can take the test down there. How important is this to get done right away?


Also, with my previous two pregnancies, they did the 1 hour test differently, and I am wondering how much that would affect my results. Each time before they just gave me the bottle of nasty orange drink at a dr. appointment and told me to drink it an hour before my next monthly appointment. This time, I had to fast for 12 hours and go into the hospital lab for the drink. Then when I asked if I could run a few errands and be back in an hour for the blood draw, they said no, that if I was up and moving around my body would use up some of the glucose and the results wouldn't be accurate. Each time before, my results came out above the normal range but not high enough to indicate diabetes, and they suggested that I avoid having too much sugar all at once but otherwise not to worry about it.

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For some reason, different places do the 1 hr test differently. I would NOT recommend doing the 3hr test with your kids. I would wait until you come back and do it then. Or, talk to your ob about your concerns and ask him to explain to you the differences (did you use a different Ob or same OB?) between the two tests.


That being said, I did the 1 hr test similar to you the first time, and then with my last pregnancy I did the 1 hr test similar to you this last time. For the second time, I was also asked to stay in the lab, but I was free to walk around.


But again, I would recommend finding someone to watch the kids for you. Maybe it is just me, but I always feel terrible after these tests, so I would even see if you could get someone who could drive you there and back.

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If it were me, I'd aim to eat as if I did have GD while on the trip, try to get in a walk after meals as often as possible, and maybe see if I could get a glucometer and track my blood sugars, rather than rushing to take the 3 hour test before or during the trip.

Edited by ocelotmom
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I think fasting before the 1hr messes up the results...I've always been instructed to eat at least 2 carbs with each meal 2-3 days prior to the test and to be sure and eat breakfast (nothing sweet) before coming in to do the test.


Huh, they specifically told me to fast beforehand.


For some reason, different places do the 1 hr test differently. I would NOT recommend doing the 3hr test with your kids. I would wait until you come back and do it then. Or, talk to your ob about your concerns and ask him to explain to you the differences (did you use a different Ob or same OB?) between the two tests.


That being said, I did the 1 hr test similar to you the first time, and then with my last pregnancy I did the 1 hr test similar to you this last time. For the second time, I was also asked to stay in the lab, but I was free to walk around.


But again, I would recommend finding someone to watch the kids for you. Maybe it is just me, but I always feel terrible after these tests, so I would even see if you could get someone who could drive you there and back.


I've had a different OB/midwife for each pregnancy. When I asked my midwife about the differences in the test, she said that it could affect the results, but there was no way to know how much, and that it was the three hour results that would be important.


Maybe I could find someone to watch the kids in the morning while I do the test. (It may be silly, but I don't really want to spend my vacation eating like a diabetic if I don't have to.)

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If it were me, I'd aim to eat as if I did have GD while on the trip, try to get in a walk after meals as often as possible, and maybe see if I could get a glucometer and track my blood sugars, rather than rushing to take the 3 hour test before or during the trip.



:iagree: Just eat as if you had GD for the duration of your trip. Think low-carb. Meats, veggies, limited fruits, really limited sweets and only with a full meal.


I had GD diagnosed with dd, but I disagreed with the testing - they didn't tell me to eat carbs leading into the testing. I'm naturally low-carb so my reaction was high. Anyway, I figured the GD eating plan is pretty healthy so why not?



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