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If you have used VP self-paced history online

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We are using a self paced course. In the instructions to the course, they emphasize using the cards to answer the questions on the worksheet, etc. So, in my humble opinion, I feel they are necessary and very helpful for reference purposes. We love it too!

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They make a huge deal about the cards in the first lesson, I didn't have them and my DD wanted them. So, I got them (used). Since then, I've been the only one looking at them. :glare:


My littles who are taking the course aren't reading at the level the cards would require yet though- so no real reason for them to use them. You are encouraged to use the card to answer the questions throughout the week before taking a final test on day 5 of each lesson without using helps.


If your child is one who would likely refer to the card and read along, or re-read the materials they might be useful.

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First off - "HI girl!" we missed you today


I wondered about that when I watched the sample. You'd think they would mention it on the ordering page.


We decided to stay home and do some spring cleaning. :001_smile: I looked through many, many pages on their website thinking it should be there somewhere, but no luck.


They make a huge deal about the cards in the first lesson, I didn't have them and my DD wanted them. So, I got them (used). Since then, I've been the only one looking at them. :glare:


My littles who are taking the course aren't reading at the level the cards would require yet though- so no real reason for them to use them. You are encouraged to use the card to answer the questions throughout the week before taking a final test on day 5 of each lesson without using helps.


If your child is one who would likely refer to the card and read along, or re-read the materials they might be useful.


Thanks, I think we will find it helpful to have them.

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