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Just for the heck of it...Biblioplan


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Any idea why BP doesn't use the books in chronological order?


Year 1 is also history of the bible, so I think that is some of the reason. BP is divided into units, and here are the units for Year 1. It still has a somewhat chronological flow but in chunks.


Creation To Joseph

Egypt & the Nation of Israel

Israel Divided-Assyria & Babylon

Persia and Ancient Greece

Rome, Jesus, and the Early Church

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I actually prefer to study cultures than precise chronological. We did sonlight core b for a few months this year and I didn't care for it. Many of the readalods do not coincide with the history, nor did the bible (big miss IMO). Jumping around from region to region would confuse me - chunks sound better :)

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The MOH lessons are definitely out of order. For example: BP week 1 uses MOH week 1; BP week 2 uses MOH week 2 with part of week 4.


If you wanted to use MOH chronologically, you could simply do the lessons in order & cross reference BP (which is what I am going to do). I am currently making a spreadsheet that has the MOH lesson number on the left with the BP week on the right. That way, I can use BP's awesome maps, cool history, & the reader schedule without losing my mind (I can't stand reading a History book out of chronological order :tongue_smilie:).


Edited to add:


I forgot to mention that in Ancients, SOTW is done out of order also. We are not using SOTW though, so I have not paid too much attention to how out of order it is. I would be happy to check my guide and let you know (PM me if you want more info).


I thought of doing this, but then I realized if I take those BP weekly topics apart and put them all over a schedule in MOH order it's going to mess up the way the books (readers & read alouds) match up. It would bother me to be doing a week of history in MOH with 3 completely different cultures, and a reader/read aloud that only match one of them. I guess I prefer chunks, too.


BUT... I visited BP's site yesterday and saw they use Hakim for US History. I don't care if anyone else uses it, but I'm not going to use it as a main spine, especially not without discussion questions. Any ideas for what to do in this case?

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