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Vision issue with ds10

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ETA: Really just a hug or encouraging word is all I need. If you have advice or real life input, I'll take that too.


Yesterday, I took my ds10 to the optometrist and learned that he has serious vision loss in his right eye. He has a chorioretinal scar on his macula. There is nothing that can be done to correct the problem. He has 20/20 vision in his left eye. The dr. indicated that the scarring was probably caused by some sort of blow and that different treatment at the time of the blow would not have changed his current vision loss.


We knew that he was having difficulty seeing from his right eye. That's the reason we scheduled the dr. appointment. As a mother, I'd already made a list of possible problems in my head. All of my imaginary scenarios had a diagnosis and a treatment that would give my son back his vision. I wasn't really prepared for him being essentially permanently blind in one eye.


He's fine. I'm a little freaked out.


Does anyone have any words of encouragement or advice about this kind of condition?

Edited by rwjx2khsmj
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I would get him immediately to an ophthalmologist. There are lots of medical advances in eye treatments and only an ophthalmologist would be able to help you with that. Don't be afraid to make appointments with more than one also. Get second opinions.




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I would get him immediately to an ophthalmologist. There are lots of medical advances in eye treatments and only an ophthalmologist would be able to help you with that. Don't be afraid to make appointments with more than one also. Get second opinions.






My youngest child is blind in her right eye and has only partial vision in her left. She was born with a genetic condition which caused her vision problem. While it's certainly not ideal, it's also something that she compensates very well for. Your son will do the same. I do encourage you to get other opinions so you can find the best treatment course for your son. In my daughter's case (and particularly at her age) our treatment course is conservative. As she gets older, we may revisit our options. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me. I know this news is quite a blow at first.:grouphug:

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This type of thing is always really shocking and upsetting. I am so sorry for you. But I have learned to keep things in perspective and be very greatful for one good eye.


I found this subforum on kids' vision on Prevent Blindness America to be really interesting:


Feel free to PM me at any time.

And definitely go see a pediatric ophthalmologist.

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:grouphug: Big hugs to you :grouphug:

I don't have any advice to give for vision issues, but I totally relate to the bombardment of emotions a mom goes through when her baby unexpectedly has a serious diagnosis.

Even if they're going to be "fine", it doesn't feel that way, especially in the beginning.

I hope you can find some way to improve the situation with other doctors, or new treatment. :grouphug: Either way, we are resilient creatures. Both of my girls developed Tourettes, and even though their father has it, it was like it hit me out of no where. I was shocked and heart broken. But you know what? It turns out it's just a small part of who they are. I'm following their lead. It can be tough at times (my youngest is especially suffering from tics right now), but she's fine in her own mind. :001_smile:



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Thanks so much everyone for the advice and the encouragement. It's nice to be heard and feel supported. I spoke to the dr. today for more information and clarification. We will definitely be getting a second opinion.


Stripe, a huge thanks for that forum link.

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