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? about SWB's writing lecture


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I've read many good things about this here.

I have The Complete Writer on hold at the library.

Do I need to listen to the lecture if I read the book?


I'm thinking ahead to next year and planning on beginning WWE with my then 2nd grader. I want to understand her philosophy before I purchase.



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I think the lectures add to the book. SWB has a conversational lecture style that is engaging and really brings her educational philosophy to life. When I initially read the WTM and WWE, I was overwhelmed. In her lectures, she makes it clear her views are ideals, but subject to day-to-day reality. I consider her lectures the equivalent of sitting down with a BTDT homeschool mom who has lots of experience and is more than happy to tell you anything and everything you ever wish to know about the joys and trials of homeschooling.

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The lectures make the whole system make such perfect sense, you'll wonder why you ever looked at a different curriculum. I love her logic.


:iagree:At first, in an effort to save money and have an open-and-go product, I only purchased the student workbook. Later, when I was frustrated with WWE 1 being "only" copywork and narration, I downloaded the lecture. Then the program started to make more sense.


This year while planning for 2nd grade, I decided to get an even "bigger picture" by purchasing the instructor guide (Complete Writer: WWE). That was the final piece that convinced me SWB knows what she's doing. We may be doing "only" copywork, dictation, and narration now, but if we consistently practice these skills, we'll end up in a very good place. ;)


:D Buy it all.

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Those lectures are worth every penny and more. :001_smile: I have the hardback book (The Complete Writer); it is well worth its price.


I know that many, many, folks find WWE significantly easier to make happen by using just the workbooks; just grab and go. I'm the opposite. I found that using the hardback text (and the lecture guidelines) was easier to get done. Writing really does "disappear" into the subjects. Writing was not a seperate subject, but PART of history, science, etc. For us, using the workbooks became just one more thing to get done. Yes, it was a good thing, the workbooks are well done and convenient, but I prefer just the basics of the lectures.


I will add that I am refering to just the WWE workbooks, not to WWS. I have not seen WWS *yet*. Looking over the sample is on my to do list...

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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