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Do you prefer Writing Strands or IEW?


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This is just a general question, because this inquiring mind would like to know. Why did you choose one over the other and when/how did you start using it?


I'm interested in your experience as it may help me continue my rough planning for the future.


Thank you,



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...and had to add it, as it seems appropriate with all the research I've been doing for our homeschooling journey and questions I have about... well, everything!



"The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while conditions are still unfavourable. Favourable conditions never come." C.S. Lewis




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partly because I've used a variety of materials and partly because my dc have not been hs'd entirely. I used writing strands years ago. It is quite simple to use, but ds just hated it. It's been a while since I looked at it, but the assignments were quite boring. They seemed to lack guidance in areas where ds needed guidance and were maybe too confining in other (do you have to describe a pencil, could it be a ball instead?). I gave the book to a neighbor and she had similar painful experiences. Then my dc went to private school. My neighbor kept hs'ing and enrolled her ds in an IEW class and raved about it. My dd is home again and taking an IEW instensive, which I am sitting in on. I am helping her with the homework too. Writing instruction makes sense now. We are going to continue applying these techniquies and I am going to get the IEW teaching materials for myself. My experience is limited, but this small taste of IEW is so much better than Writing Strands.


That said, IEW does require more of the "teacher" than Writing Strands. In a way IEW doesn't require more because what is taught and what is expected is clear. It's definitely worth the effort.

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Writing Strands :tongue_smilie: IEW :D


My boys just didn't like Writing Strands. We used 3 I think. It goes like this....What is this? A pencil. Describe the pencil. It is a long, yellow pencil. I don't remember much, it has been 5 years or so, but it was just boring to us, and didn't give us tools to improve writing. My oldest son adores IEW. He is not creative, so he loves doing key word outlines etc.



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Writing Strands is straightforward and incremental. It doesn't use gimmicks, and it lets the dc develop their own styles. It also doesn't teach the formulas that so many others teach, such as every paragraph having to have at least 3 sentences with an introductory sentence, at least one supporting sentence, and a closing sentence.

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Writing Strands went well for us for the first few lessons, but it wasn't clicking or working for DD at all.


I wish i'd sprung for IEW a few years ago. She has NEVER been able to write a sentence well, or put the paragraphs together. IEW is going to be perfect for her in this regard.


I think it depends on the kids what will work with them.....

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We tried Writing Strands many years ago and both ds complained whenever I brought the book out. If you think Writing Strands might work, you could pick up a used copy for a low price, see how it goes... It would certainly be cheaper than IEW. It just didn't work for us. We now do IEW in a co-op setting and are really happy with it. My 2 ds are writing:D and not complaining. This makes it worth every penny. Also, resale is high.

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