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Can anything be done (exercise, etc) for scoliosis?

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Dd(11) just had a check up yesterday and the Dr looked at her back and noticed a very small (like 3 degrees) curve in her upper back. This is not enough to refer to a spine Dr or anything else, but with my history, she will be rechecked in a few months and if there is any progression, we'll have it looked at.


What I'm wondering is if there are any strengthening exercises she should be doing, or if there is anything we could do to prevent worsening?

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Dd(11) just had a check up yesterday and the Dr looked at her back and noticed a very small (like 3 degrees) curve in her upper back. This is not enough to refer to a spine Dr or anything else, but with my history, she will be rechecked in a few months and if there is any progression, we'll have it looked at.


What I'm wondering is if there are any strengthening exercises she should be doing, or if there is anything we could do to prevent worsening?


I would recommend taking her to a chiropractor. That is the only way I would deal with it. It is how I dealt with mine and it worked. You will probably have to take her regularly for a set amount of time. My chiro had a treatment plan and he worked with me on a payment plan since I didn't have insurance at that time. Now I have insurance and it covers the chiro, thankfully. The chiro will give her exercises to do at home.

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I would recommend taking her to a chiropractor. That is the only way I would deal with it. It is how I dealt with mine and it worked. You will probably have to take her regularly for a set amount of time. My chiro had a treatment plan and he worked with me on a payment plan since I didn't have insurance at that time. Now I have insurance and it covers the chiro, thankfully. The chiro will give her exercises to do at home.


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Working on trunk strength can help. My son did do physical therapy for a while for his scoliosis small degree, but it was basically all upper body work focusing on both the back and front of his whole torso area. Things like going flat on his belly and then picking up his arms and legs like he's superman flying and working on the upper arm/back and pectoral area muscles.

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Yes, there are. A lot of midline crossing exercises or opposite arm/leg exercises. Such as raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, turn your head to the right. I remember laying on my back and doing those, along with on my knees.


I had a 6 degree curve. I still have a slight curve, not sure if it is better or worse. I went to a chiropractor every other week all through high school. They will help keep her back in alignment. However, I went to one that always cracked my back. I had frequent headaches in high school and I have always wondered if that was the cause. I go to a NUCCA chiro now. They do gentle adjustments. Basically they believe if your 1st two spinal things are in alignment, the rest of your back will follow. So they use the side of their hand and lightly press on the neck while you lie on your side and put the neck part of the spine in place (I can't think of the specific terms, sorry). They check how your feet align together, and weigh you on a scale to make sure you are in alignment. When you are in alignment, they stretch your neck basically rather than do the hand pressing. They use a gun thing on a few spots in your back too. Mthen you go meditate for 5 minutes in their meditation room.


My husband went to this chiro first because he had an accident where he could not go to a chiro who cracked the back - if they did something wrong, he could lose mobility. He cured his pain, so I went, and he cured my upper/middle back pain. I am sore the day after stretching sometimes. My husband isn't. after he puts you in alignment, you may go back out of alignment as your neck is used to one way. So you start going twice a week then once a week, every other, once a month, as neede... I had my son go to see if he was out of whack - maybe it could explain some of his issues - he is 5- he was in alignment. He would just stretch the neck. He never charged us for our son, since me and my husband went, I guess. That was very nice of him.


You can find a NUCCA chiro here: http://www.nucca.org/find_doctor.php


However, there is only one in Houston. So they may be far and few between. There are different philosophies of chiro care, just find the one that works for you.

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Ballet. A few of the kids in my dd's school took class for that reason. They wore braces and were allowed to take them off for ballet and that was it.


One of my dd's former teachers had scoliosis as a child and went on to have a career as a soloist for Ballet West for ten years.

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Thank you all!


Our insurance doesn't cover chiro and OOP isn't an option right now.


I will set up a plan for her and use a lot of the exercises I use at PT.


I had her do a baseline "test" to see where to start, and she's weaker than I thought. :(


She can do 0 push ups, 20 arm's length wall push ups, 5 sit ups, 3 seconds plank, 10 seconds superman on a ball.


Her normal play doesn't really work core or upper body so we're going to have to work on that.

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