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HOD Bigger science or Noeo


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Thanks to all who answered on my last thread about PHFHG. Now I have a new problem though.


After reading all of your advice and talking with HOD we have decided to go with Bigger for our two. The problem is that I bought Noeo chem 1 and was really excited to use it. I love the looks of it and think my kiddos would get a lot out of it. From looking at it though it seems it would be hard to do with Bigger and the science written in. What do I do? Skip bigger's science? Start Noeo now and just get as far as we can before September (when we'll start bigger)? What would you do?

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I think you could easily squeeze in a secondary science curriculum while doing Bigger. I would look at the box in HOD and if the reading or activity looks interesting I would go ahead with it. If not, go with the other. There were parts of Bigger science that were fantastic and other parts that weren't (as with any curriculum). The other option would be to completely ignore Bigger science. Honestly, though, I would do the Bigger science readings only and add in the other.

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We will be doing Bigger soon, and I debated whether to use the science in the guide or Apologia. I decided to start with Bigger's science with the idea that I can switch if it isn't working. I figure I wont be out too much $ if it doesn't fit our needs. I am trying to simplify though so that is mostly what affected my decision.


I am interested to hear what others have to say about the science in Bigger though!

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Noeo is expensive, but I got a good deal on it used and I hate to see it go to waste. It really does look fun and has a real classical feel to it. I think we might just at it to our science now and keep it going through the summer and then just fill in the not so fun days of bigger with it after we start that. Sounds complicated doesn't it lol


More advice is always welcome.

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Noeo is expensive, but I got a good deal on it used and I hate to see it go to waste. It really does look fun and has a real classical feel to it. I think we might just at it to our science now and keep it going through the summer and then just fill in the not so fun days of bigger with it after we start that. Sounds complicated doesn't it lol


More advice is always welcome.

I think this is a good plan. We use HOD science and my dh also does Apologia with them. You can always skip some of the experiments in Bigger if they do not appeal to you. I wouldn't want to miss the science readings though because my ds loves them and they fit in nicely with the history box.

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I used Noeo Biology last year and I'm using Bigger with Apologia this year. We have skipped some of the science in Bigger in favor of Apologia when I ran out of time. I think you could do both, but realize both are teacher led (you read the material to them). I also might pick and choose which lessons you notebook with because it could get a little tedious if they are notebooking for science every day between the two programs. For you (and for me), I don't think it's a matter of whether or not you can do it, but more a matter of if you will have time. This is just my opinon, of course :)

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I used Noeo Biology last year and I'm using Bigger with Apologia this year. We have skipped some of the science in Bigger in favor of Apologia when I ran out of time. I think you could do both, but realize both are teacher led (you read the material to them). I also might pick and choose which lessons you notebook with because it could get a little tedious if they are notebooking for science every day between the two programs. For you (and for me), I don't think it's a matter of whether or not you can do it, but more a matter of if you will have time. This is just my opinon, of course :)



Are you staying with HOD or did you decide to go with MFW ECC?

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:lol: I was wondering if you would see this. I put myself in quite the predicament huh. :D


Noeo is very easy to break up, imo. You can look through the scope and maybe do the "chunks" of topics that go along with Bigger? Or break up the scope and if something in Bigger is *yawn*, work in the Noeo chunk. I found Noeo to be easy to manipulate.

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I think I've decided not to use MFW...I'm either going to let my oldest do Preparing on her own or I'm going to use GTG (b/c I already own it) and EE with all three of the school-aged girls. I'm just concerned with my own follow though on making these enough for my oldest. It's not that I lack the ability to do so, just the time and self-discipline. Which is why I need a boxed curriculum!!;)

So, who knows. I might even end up back with SL. I just have to get this year under our belt and then we can move forward because, as much as I really do love HOD, that one Eggleston book is just torture for my 2nd grader. It is completely over her head and I have to explain everything that I read. Now, dd9 loves it, comprehends the info. and has no trouble. What's a homeschooling mom to do?:001_huh:

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