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The Hive knows all? What about physical security safeguards for Reality Shows folks?

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Does Lifetime offer any security for those little girls on Dance Moms, for instance. Upgrade alarms for their homes? What about TLC and Michelle Dugger and their little kids? What about the Duggers little romantic getaway in the city this weekend. Is NBC giving driving them around in their Town Cars, or are they supposed to ride the subway and maybe have folks accost them about overpopulation? Or what not?

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Does Lifetime offer any security for those little girls on Dance Moms, for instance. Upgrade alarms for their homes? What about TLC and Michelle Dugger and their little kids? What about the Duggers little romantic getaway in the city this weekend. Is NBC giving driving them around in their Town Cars, or are they supposed to ride the subway and maybe have folks accost them about overpopulation? Or what not?


I doubt they're getting alarms for their homes. I've never seen that show, so I don't know what the premise is (if the people are traveling or whatever)


The production crew is fairly large and I would assume that someone is providing security, not only for the Duggars, but to make sure the crew doesn't get mugged and the equipment stolen. That sort of thing. And so far as NBC providing town cars, it depends on who is footing the bill. (I am not sure what they're weekend entails of but am assuming that either NBC or TLC has covered the costs).


When filming, production crews need to control as much as they can. They have enough "situations" come up and for the sake of costs need to keep disruptions to a minimum. So someone is probably providing them a car so that they don't have to deal with crowds, delays, hunger, potty breaks, etc etc.


What the production company provides depends on the contract. What goes in a contract is a wide range of possibilities. Have you ever heard the stories (usually about divas) who wanted white pillows, a certain brand of champagne, red plates, blue M&Ms only, etc in their dressing rooms? That's because it was in their contract. So far as reality TV show stars, there's no real way of knowing until someone leaks the information. It varies from contract to contract

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Dance Moms is so bad there are no words. If there could possibly be programming more exploitive than Toddlers and Tiaras, it's that show. I suppose the parents must have signed ntracts for more than a season, but could they have known how horrible it would be?

My DD learned about this show from her ballet friends so let her watch on the iPad ( we don t have cable) and I watch with her because it's so horrible. I feel ready to pull the plug. I couldn't watch at first but then I realized I couldn't possibly let her watch it alone.


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Dance Moms is so bad there are no words. If there could possibly be programming more childhood exploitive than Toddlers and Tiaras, it's that show. I suppose the parents must have signed ntracts for more than a season, but could they have known how horrible it would be? Is there no out clause ( or whatever) due to toying/ lying producers?


My DD learned about this show from her ballet friends so let her watch on the iPad ( we don t have cable) and I watch with her because it's so horrible. I feel ready to pull the plug. I couldn't watch at first but then I realized I couldn't possibly let her watch it alone. I am being a wimp. The girls at ballet talk about it often.


How many seasons have been shown? How many have been filmed? What kind of lying/toying do you think the producers have done? If they've already done multiple shows, then yes they probably had to sign contracts for more than one season. If it's the first, I would assume the producers would want an out in case they aren't happy with the family being filmed (too boring, not enough fan base, etc etc)


And don't forget, some people would rather be "famous" and on TV and would willingly put up with a lot just to achieve that end *coughcoughJerseyShorecoughcough*. It's possible the moms like it and/or are trying to upstage each other with crazy behavior in order to ensure they get screen time.

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I agree that fame seems to be the thing. I just can't imagine that any loving parent would agree to something so awful. Could they have truly understood the producers intentions? Could they have known it would end up being as horrible as it is? I would call it child abuse, and I'm not saying that lightly. I should not let my DD watch it at all. I hope those children have security, it's really that exploitive.

There are episodes online. I don't recommend them.


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I know. It is hard to understand. I sometimes feel that way about parents who push their teeny, tiny kids into regular TV or movies. The stress in that industry is so high. I don't know, it is sad that kids are being exploited like that. Whether the parents are doing it for the fame or the money, it seems to be a two edge sword.

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Dance Moms is so bad there are no words. If there could possibly be programming more childhood exploitive than Toddlers and Tiaras, it's that show. I suppose the parents must have signed ntracts for more than a season, but could they have known how horrible it would be? Is there no out clause ( or whatever) due to toying/ lying producers?


My DD learned about this show from her ballet friends so let her watch on the iPad ( we don t have cable) and I watch with her because it's so horrible. I feel ready to pull the plug. I couldn't watch at first but then I realized I couldn't possibly let her watch it alone. I am being a wimp. The girls at ballet talk about it often.


i agree that the parent likely had to sign an agreement -- but I strongly suspect the parents are not upset with how it has gone; i think they fully undestood the mess they were getting into and frankly i doubt THEY see it as s mess -- pimping out their toddlers seems to be what the want to do -- if they had a problem with the 'entire idea' then they's never have signed up to start with.

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I can see pimping out yourself, but I can't see caring patents knowingly pimping their kids. There seems to be no conscious. Maybe the producers sold the concept to the parents as a show about dance and talent. Maybe they had no idea their childrens' tears would be so integral to the show. It seems the producers knock themselves out to make sure the children are upset, crying, and verbally abused every chance they get. How honestly was the concept presented?

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Several of the kids have been on that dance team for years. The moms know how Abby treats the kids. If they had a problem with it, they would have left before now, and the show would be a moot point. I think they're all idiots, and yet I can't stop watching. I feel so sorry for those poor girls.

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Several of the kids have been on that dance team for years. The moms know how Abby treats the kids. If they had a problem with it, they would have left before now, and the show would be a moot point. I think they're all idiots, and yet I can't stop watching. I feel so sorry for those poor girls.

It's one thing to have private tears and private drama. These kids are being exploited and it's hard to believe it's legal for a parent to sign away their child's rights to privacy ... Or something.

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...I think they're all idiots, and yet I can't stop watching.


This is me. I will admit that Dance Moms is my guilty pleasure. It is a show with no redeeming value at all, but I watch it every week. (In my defense, it is the only reality show I watch, and I don't watch much other types of shows either.


I was reading an interview with Abby Lee, and it was pretty interesting. She was saying that one of the moms went out and hired a publicist for her and her dd. She also said the moms saw it as a way to help their dds with their dance career. Will it? Who knows? They have already gotten a music video out of it though.

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I do get that the families saw this as an opportunity to showcase the talents of these children. Was the actual concept explained to them? Did they really understand their children would become such pawns?

This just brings me back to worrying whether there is security available for those kids?

I'm only phone-- I know there are extra typos and wrong punctuation in my posts ;)

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Oh, that's not the worst of it. One child was lead on: she thought she was going to be at the top. Instead, she was kicked off. It was sickening. That poor kid. 13 and humiliated and bullied by *adults* for fun. And the almighty dollar.


I'm sure the contracts are untouchable, legally. I do wonder if a child could later sue a parent?

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Several of the kids have been on that dance team for years. The moms know how Abby treats the kids. If they had a problem with it, they would have left before now, and the show would be a moot point. I think they're all idiots, and yet I can't stop watching. I feel so sorry for those poor girls.


I agree with this. Unless Abby has gotten worse, playing it up for the cameras and to create drama, they had to have an idea of how it was going to go.


My oldest has been dancing competitively for 14 years now. I would not stay 1 day at a studio with a director like that. She makes it sound like if they aren't there 10 hours a day and working through injury that they have no chance to "make it", keeps talking about how if they were working a show they'd have to put in even more hours. Uh, NO. There are child labor laws for dancers/actors/models that limit how many hours they can work. Plus I know dancers that have done Broadway, become Rockettes, belong to performance companies - and none of them were dancing that much at such a young age. I'd be worried about injury and burnout ending a career before it could get started the way that studio is run.


They also misrepresent what these competitions are like. They act like by winning Nationals, they are the best in the country. There are 100's of "Nationals" going on across the country. My dd had 3 routines last year that won the Top awards at Nationals. At the particular competition, in the particular location that we happened to go to. I was very proud of her but it should be fun not some drive to win at all costs with anything but a top score considered failure.

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The competitions are the least of it. We enjoy watching the kids dance (when we avert our eyes to the butt slapping). It's the bullying and the screaming and the sobbing that makes me wonder how this is legal. It's sanctioned humiliation/verbal abuse of children by adults.

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