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Hi I'm new and need help thx

Guest Kathi

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Hi I'm new here and new to home schooling. Also on my phone which likes to auto correct with strang words...


Im in Australia and wondering if there are other from Australian's on this forum?



Also Im wanting to go with a brought curriculum till I get the hang of this home schooling. I have two at school ages 8yrs and 6 years my youngest child also has Down syndrome. Are there any curriculums around that cover everything just I have seen people use different names of curriculum for each subject. Only started looking around the past few days.

So any help with where to start, things I need to k ow throw them at me. Thanks.

Edited by Kathi
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Hello :seeya: and welcome. There are lots of people from Australia on here. I've never used a box curriculum, but Sonlight is the one I would if I did. Mabe other people will know more.


Have you read The Well Trained Mind? I would recommend it. Even if you choose not to educate classically, it has a lot of good curricula recommendations. It's a good starting point, as lots of people get completely overwhelmed with the sheer number of options out there when they start. Good luck!

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Im in Australia and wondering if there are other from Australian's on this forum?


There are indeed. :D


So any help with where to start, things I need to k ow throw them at me. Thanks.


Another site you might like to know about is the Rockpool :)


Since you are just beginning, and have such little kids, I wouldn't plunge into a boxed curriculum. Start off with maths, English and library books (fiction and non-fiction.) The other subjects can wait until you get those under control.




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Hi Kathi,

I'm another Aussie. I'm in Sydney. Where are you? There are lots of homeschool groups in Sydney. Its often helpful to look at resources in the flesh, so if you joined, you could ask everyone to bring their favourites for you to have a look at. Because we don't have curriculum fairs, this is probably the best option.


Before you splash out lots of money on resources (very easily done!), you might want to work out what style suits you best. Its probably helpful, too, if you let us know whether you want a Christian or secular curriculum. Some ideas to google:

Workbooks and textbooks/school at home

Charlotte Mason

Ruth Beechick

Classical education


unschooling/natural learning/delight directed




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thanks everyone sorry I couldn't log back on I reset my password..

thanks for the links and tips, I have been online all day it seems and still not any closer to knowing what i"m doing :)


I'm In QLD and a good 3 hours inland from the city (shops!..)


I have to submit a plan to the home education unit and finding this really hard going. thanks for the help.

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Kathi, go and ask over at the Rockpool if you haven't. There are other Queenslanders on there who will help you through the legalities and they might know of some local homeschoolers for you to meet up with.


Hope you're not too soggy. :grouphug:




yes I went over seem like not many from QLD post, one lady has contacted a friend of hers just waiting to hear back from her.

it's crazy that in one state you don’t have to register Vic I believe and then in QLD they want blood :confused:

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I agree with Rosie -I wouldn't rush into a boxed curriculum yet till you find which style of learning suits you and your kids.


Down here in SA we have to register and have a moderator visit so I feel your pain :001_huh: it can be overwhelming when you first start out.


I would just start out with the basics first -math and english program - then go from there.


Math Online is an Australian Curriculum if you want to take a look at that to see the standards you need to cover.

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Don't stress about registering! We have to register in NSW, too, and have the "authorised person" come out every couple of years. Two registrations on, I actually find the process really helpful. It forces me to plan (and gives me a good reason to ask for dedicated, interruption free planning time) and get organised. The APs in NSW really seem supportive of homeschooling and are very helpful.


Places to look (if you haven't already) are Beverly Paine's website (long-time natural learning advocate), and the HEA website, which has examples of rego paperwork from existing homeschoolers and a contact number to ring for someone to calm you in times of panic! (http://www.hea.edu.au/get-started/curriculum.html).



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it's crazy that in one state you don’t have to register Vic I believe and then in QLD they want blood :confused:


Oh no, we have to register. But that's all we have to do. Give the Rockpoolers some time. Most live in the same few timezones, unlike here. ;) They'll come out of the woodwork around dinner time tonight and over their morning coffee tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:


I suppose you'd have found this by now? http://education.qld.gov.au/parents/home-education/index.html It seems they have a service for walking you through the process.



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