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Just saw BIG MIRACLE with a friend who lives there in Barrow

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My best friend is down here from Barrow, AK and we just went to see the movie Big Miracle tonight--about the whales stuck in the ice up there.


It was neat watching it with her as she could tell me parts that really didn't happen. She also pointed out various locations in the village and how they related to where they live, where her husband works, etc. She also know quite a few people that were in the movie...........as well as critiqueing how accurate things were---like the bare skin in 50 below zero weather etc.........and yes, it is that cold up there as it was 55 below when she left to come to Michigan 2 weeks ago.


Now I just need to figure out my schedule and hopefully get a plane ticket to Barrow this summer to go see here and eat at Sam and Lee's---which was featured in the movie.

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Hmmm...going to have to add this movie to my Netflix queue.


We live in North Pole, AK...yep, it does get cold! We have been enjoying a "warming trend" this week and it has been about 32 degrees. But I think we are to get cold again. I am hoping that the -50 temps are behind us for this winter though! BBBRRR! Bring on SPRING!

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It might be a while for Netflix but it was a cute movie. We rarely go to the theater but it was fun.


Yesterday we woke up to temps here in Michigan only 2 degrees warmer than those in Barrow, AK.


Her daughter is Inupiut. I find it interesting that the Natives of Alaska that speak English have the same accent as the Natives from my husband's tribe here in Michigan.

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It might be a while for Netflix but it was a cute movie. We rarely go to the theater but it was fun.


Yesterday we woke up to temps here in Michigan only 2 degrees warmer than those in Barrow, AK.


Her daughter is Inupiut. I find it interesting that the Natives of Alaska that speak English have the same accent as the Natives from my husband's tribe here in Michigan.


Wow! That really is interesting. They're so far from each other. :)

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Hmmm...going to have to add this movie to my Netflix queue.


We live in North Pole, AK...yep, it does get cold! We have been enjoying a "warming trend" this week and it has been about 32 degrees. But I think we are to get cold again. I am hoping that the -50 temps are behind us for this winter though! BBBRRR! Bring on SPRING!


Me too!!! I certainly hope we don't get cold again. I'm tired of cold. I've had enough. :p


One of my daughters saw this movie this weekend. She loved it. I was hoping to go, it just didn't work out.

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We saw the movie this weekend too. The accents for the MN guys were hilarious. I was also laughing at the bare skin in negative temps. All said it was a very nice movie.


Yes, the bare skin had us laughing as well. If you watch the credit way at the end they show some original footage of the events and those people had on BIG boots, face masks, gloves, etc.


My friend is leaving this afternoon to fly back up to Barrow.

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