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Have you heard of a Fitbit? A pedometer and sleep tracker?

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I saw this product today and really want any feedback that anyone can give me. It's mostly a pedometer, but also has a wristband thing that tracks your sleep- how long it takes you to go to sleep and how often you wake during the night. I would LOVE to have that information, but it seems too good to be true. It gets very good reviews on Amazon, but most people are mostly interested in the pedometer part, while I'm mostly interested in the sleep tracking. Does anyone have experience with this or know of a similar product that would help me track my sleep cycles? Does anyone know how exactly it works? (It doesn't really tell you this on the website- it tells you that it DOES work, but now HOW it works)



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I've never heard of it before. Here's the link for Fitbit on Amazon. There are so many great reviews for it, now I want one. :D


From Amazon:


Accurately tracks daily steps, stairs climbed, distance, calories burned, and activity level via 3-d motion sensor and altimeter technology

Measures how long and how well you sleep - just wear it on your wrist at night with Fitbit wristband (included)

Small and discreet enough to wear all day- tuck it into a pocket or clip it to a belt or bra

Wirelessly uploads data to Fitbit.com; No monthly fee

See online graphs, compete with friends, earn new badges and log food, weight and other workouts at Fitbit.com and on new iPhone app

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I've never heard of this but I found this information about the sleep part. http://www.healthyobsessions.net/2010/03/putting-the-fitbit-to-bed-sleep-tracking/


I wore a (doctor prescribed) wrist band (and some other stuff) to track my sleep in a home situation. The arousals from sleep do, indeed, indicate sleep issues--apnea, restless leg, etc. My home sleep thing was very accurate. Of course this isn't doing all that device did for me and won't be as accurate I'm sure but I think tracking sleep latency (time to fall asleep) and consistency of sleep/deep sleep could tell you a lot about sleep quality.

Edited by sbgrace
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I have not heard of this one, but I have heard of an ap for iPod or iPhone that tracks your sleep. You might want to check it out. I believe it works by tracking your body movement during sleep.




Well, I don't have an iphone (or even a smartphone) though my parents have been dropping hints about how wonderful they are......they want to be able to facetime with the kids!

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I've never heard of this but I found this information about the sleep part. http://www.healthyobsessions.net/2010/03/putting-the-fitbit-to-bed-sleep-tracking/


I wore a (doctor prescribed) wrist band (and some other stuff) to track my sleep in a home situation. The arousals from sleep do, indeed, indicate sleep issues--apnea, restless leg, etc. My home sleep thing was very accurate. Of course this isn't doing all that device did for me and won't be as accurate I'm sure but I think tracking sleep latency (time to fall asleep) and consistency of sleep/deep sleep could tell you a lot about sleep quality.


Wow. Thanks so much for this. I know it couldn't tell me why I'm not sleeping, but I'm NOT sleeping and I don't think my doc really gets it. If this thing really tracks accurately, it might help me help my doctor figure it out!

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I'm just about ready to buy a fitbit. I wear a pedometer daily, tracking my steps. It really helps to see how active I've been, and it's easy to hop on the treadmill to get those last couple of thousand steps. Logging it is a pain, though.

The fitbit will download right to my Mac wirelessly- sweet! As far as the sleep part goes, I'm so interested in that because I have a ten year old Siamese cat that sleeps with me, and he wakes me up multiple times a night because he has special sleep positions depending on how I'm positioned. So when I roll over, he changes his position. I wonder how much that really impacts my sleep.


I washed my pedometer once- it still works, but I'm kind of scared I'm going to forget the fitbit and wash it. Yikes!

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I had a different one a few years ago - I really liked it. The sleep information was the best. At the time I had a nursing baby and a still night waking toddler. It really helped me to be easy on myself when in black and white it said I had '24 minutes' of actual restful sleep last night as I tried to give myself a pep talk that I could make it through another day.

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Wow. Thanks so much for this. I know it couldn't tell me why I'm not sleeping' date=' but I'm NOT sleeping and I don't think my doc really gets it. If this thing really tracks accurately, it might help me help my doctor figure it out![/quote']

If you know you're not sleeping I'd ask for a sleep study. This might tell you that you have sleep latency or many arousals/poor sleep quality but it won't tell you why nor fix it. You'd need a sleep study for that and a sleep study so insurance will cover the treatment too. I think this thing could be good to tell a person they need a sleep study or to confirm some treatment is working perhaps.

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If you know you're not sleeping I'd ask for a sleep study. This might tell you that you have sleep latency or many arousals/poor sleep quality but it won't tell you why nor fix it. You'd need a sleep study for that and a sleep study so insurance will cover the treatment too. I think this thing could be good to tell a person they need a sleep study or to confirm some treatment is working perhaps.


My doc has talked about getting a sleep study done. But she admits that they will probably not be able to pinpoint a cause- much less be able to treat it. And it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to if it doesn't have much chance of getting concrete answers. I really want to be able to see exactly how much sleep I'm getting over a period of time. It may push me into getting a sleep study done!

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