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Handwriting practice only?


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My DD is almost 6. We are doing the 3 Rs only. She has sailed through HWoT K and 1st grade book. She knows how to form all her upper and lower case letters and all her numbers. I purchases the HWoT 2nd grade book but there is a lot of reading (she isn't reading well yet) and the letter size is much smaller. I don't think she is ready for that book. We won't be doing a formal writing program for a while longer. What can I do for handwriting practice?


Should I have her do some copywork even if she can't read everything she is copying (I would read it to her)?


Should I purchase the HWoT 1st grade book again and go through it for practice?


Any other ideas?



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This isn't going to be particularly helpful, but I realized the same problem as you. We completed HWOT-K, so I ordered HWOT-1 and checked out the online sample for HWOT-2. There's no way DD will be ready for the amount of writing in HWOT-2 anytime soon. Since DD knows how to make all of her letters now, we have slowed waaaaayyyy down with HWOT-1.


You could go through HWOT-1 again (personally, that would bore me) or you could simply take longer to cover the lessons in HWOT-2 and help her with the reading. Maybe take two days to cover one longer page instead of doing it all in one sitting.


Other options would be to supplement with another handwriting program for now. Maybe Zaner-Bloser 1, which has a similar style? Just have her make the little-bit-different letters the HWOT's way. Or, you could create your own copy work on HWOT paper. (I wish they'd sell their font.) You could write sentences that relate to whatever else she is learning that week. For example, if she is learning about matter, you could have her copy, "The three forms of matter are solid, liquid and gas."

Edited by pitterpatter
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You could also puchase a handwriting worksheet maker. StartWrite has a free demo, that will last a while if you don't close it. There are a couple other companies that sell the font to work in any word processor. Does currclick have any pre made handwriting worksheets in the font?

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You could also puchase a handwriting worksheet maker. StartWrite has a free demo, that will last a while if you don't close it. There are a couple other companies that sell the font to work in any word processor. Does currclick have any pre made handwriting worksheets in the font?


Currclick does! I just looked. Great idea! Thanks so much!

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