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DD5 not liking HWOT?


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We've been slowly working through K of HWOT with DD5 who will start K in the fall. I liked the concept, but the double lines drive her crazy. She draws herself a third line on top of the double line when she needs to write an "l", "f", "t", etc.


Do we push through it and it will get better? She's not complaining about the whole program, just says she needs the top line to know where tall letters go. Finish this year and change it to something else? Drop it and change it now?

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I didn't like it either. We switched to Reason for Handwriting for K and 1st because every Friday they write their scripture out on a page with a drawing on it and they color the drawing. My girls liked it. Then we moved to italic because the transition to cursive is easy and I like the font. Now everyone uses italic, even for K and 1st.

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My 2nd dd did that. She got upset when she didn't know where to end the top. OTOH, sometimes more lines confuses children also. We continued with it, and she eventually just got it, but we didn't always use HWT paper. We used many different kinds of paper to make sure she knew how to write on everything. She writes on a wide-ruled paper now for writing and spelling without any problems at all. If you really want to change, though, I would go ahead and do it.

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