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Dr Hive..need help...

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I have had this ache in my lower abdomen for 3 weeks now. It comes and goes and isn't sharp or terribly painful...I'm just aware of it.

I've been to two OB/GYN's because I could have sworn it was my ovary on the left side(I'm breastfeeding and haven't started my period yet). Both OB's did an ultrasound and said it wasn't my ovaries..all they saw was a lot of poop...

I then went to a GI doctor and again she felt like I may be constipated.... She felt around the area and didn't feel any tumors or anything...

For three weeks? I'm still going #2... so I don't understand.

She also had my thyroid and calcium checked-both were normal

I eat very healthy(although we have been at a couple of fast food places in the last couple of weeks)...I eat lots of fiber-green smoothies, beans, not much meat...

I'm at a loss of what this could be...could i have pulled a muscle on that side?

What would you do?

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I've had little pains in my lower abdomen for years -- not chronically, but just now and then. Once it was more severe than usual, so I finally saw a doctor. He said it was a small cyst in my ovaries. Eventually it burst and the pain went away. Since then, whenever I have a pain in that area, I just assume that's what it is. However, you had an ultrasound.


One other thought is that we are a family of intense migraines. Do migraines run in your family at all? One of my daughters gets intense pains in her abdomen, often enough that we finally had it checked out...and out...and out... They have done so many tests, and were never able to find a thing. Since then, we have learned that people can get migraines without the headache, and that sometimes it comes in the form of pain in the abdomen. Given that almost every one of my children gets severe headache migraines except the one with the abdomen pain, doctors are now thinking her pain is a unique migraine. Kind of strange, but maybe...?


A last thought: have you been checked for a kidney/urinary infection?

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I'd look at adding a fiber and probiotics to my diet, give it a couple weeks and see how it goes. This is how it always looked when I was pregnant and at first I thought the docs were nuts. I have IBS and even if you don't feel constipated and are going #2, you might have an issue if you're having stomach pains. I use a flax based fiber and probiotics daily. This has almost cured my IBS issues if I keep my diet fairly on track and I don't completely avoid any foods in particular.

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