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Best age to begin progymnasmanta?

SoCal Sandra

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Before WWE was announced I picked up CW Aesop and planned for dss 8 to begin this fall. When WWE was announced, the samples suited me so I pre-ordered but still intended to begin CW some time during elementary school.


Last night I took the time to view the posts about WWE and learned that SWB recomends beginning the progym in high school.


What are your opinions on this subject? Those of you that began in grammar stage, why did you choose to do so? Those of you who waited until high school, why did you do so and what comments do you have? I appreciate any input from all others too! TIA.

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I haven't been there yet, just looking ahead and these are my thoughts.


Next year I'll have a 7th grader who is starting with CW for Older Beginners.


I'll also have a third grader, who is not going to start CW yet. Mostly because it looks so boring to do Aesop for two years, both as a teacher and a student. I have also ordered WWE, but I also feel that we can cover writing, at least for this year, through narrations and dictation, and not have it as a separate subject.


In 4th or 5th grade I will probably check to make sure they have covered Aesop, and slip anything else into a narration.


I think they will be able to start Homer in 5th or 6th, with out nearly as many headaches as if we had started two or three years earlier.

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I'm not sure if there is a best age . With an older child you can plow through the progymnastmata more quickly then you could if you started with a 3rd grader . It is possble to start this with a later 3rd grader or advanced 2nd grader (early third ) .

I've chose to start it now and it seems to be the best thing I ever did . To me the younger you start something really the much easier it is teach . Just like with foreign language . They say the younger you start the easier it is for them to learn it because their brains are like little sponges. You know as well as I the older you get the more set in your ways you become . Not to say you can't learn anything . But you have to get past that mental hurdle to learn something different .


We use Writing Tales and to be honest I don't mind using it at all . It just isn't all of Aesops fables like in CW . I would think that would be boring too . But WT includes fables , fairy tales and we've had a few Roman stories as well . So the mix is really good from keeping your child and yourself the teacher from getting board .

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we tried to do CW Aesop this year (ds 3rd) and I wish I had not bothered. I think it depends on the child, but he did not know how to type yet, and hated the physical act of writing, so I was typing his stories as he narrated, which really defeated a lot of the "editing" stage. I intend to try again this year, he will know how to typ by the end of the summer. I would not rush it, I think that it is okay to wait a while, especially with a reluctant writer!

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