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I feel like such a wimp/slacker

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I honestly can't remember if my other pregnancies were this awful. I think there is some kind of a memory fog that surrounds pregnancy...but I know that last time I was taking evening classes for my graduate program all through the first trimester, and getting all my assignments done while taking care of the kids during the day--so I know I was doing SOMETHING.


This time--I can't seem to bring myself to do anything. I just lie around reading and feeling icky all day. 11 weeks and counting, but no knowing when the nausea will abate--I know it's lasted as long as 22 weeks before.


I feel utterly useless.



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This time--I can't seem to bring myself to do anything. I just lie around reading and feeling icky all day.


My third was just like that, which was hard for me since I hadn't had any morning sickness at all with the other two. But for all of them I had to nap 2 hours a day. I was just always exhausted. Exhausted and ill is just awful! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: All my pregnancies were bad but my 6th was the worst (and the last because of that). I think it does get harder the more children we have and the older we get. With my first 4 pregnancies I was in my 20's. There was definitely a difference with how my body could cope compared to the last two in my 30's.


Hang in there...soon it will really be over and you'll be holding a little one in your arms.

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:grouphug: All my pregnancies were bad but my 6th was the worst (and the last because of that). I think it does get harder the more children we have and the older we get. With my first 4 pregnancies I was in my 20's. There was definitely a difference with how my body could cope compared to the last two in my 30's.


Hang in there...soon it will really be over and you'll be holding a little one in your arms.


I've wondered about how age is impacting me. I'll be 34 when this baby is born. I absolutely refuse to feel old in my thirties, but I also know that women's bodies are at their reproductive peak in the late teens and early twenties--now if we could only reconcile that with a society where marriage and child-rearing usually happen later!

I came from a family of 10, and while I've not expected to have that many myself I always thought 7 or 8 would be nice. Ugh, right now I'm thinking it would be really, really nice to never have to do this pregnancy thing again! That's not a decision, just vaguely wishful thinking...I still want the babies, just wish getting them here weren't so hard!

I think I need to tell myself more often "I am NOT lying around doing nothing, I am growing a baby!" What could be more productive than that???


Thanks to all those who offered hugs and encouragement!



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I've wondered about how age is impacting me. I'll be 34 when this baby is born. I absolutely refuse to feel old in my thirties, but I also know that women's bodies are at their reproductive peak in the late teens and early twenties--now if we could only reconcile that with a society where marriage and child-rearing usually happen later!

I came from a family of 10, and while I've not expected to have that many myself I always thought 7 or 8 would be nice. Ugh, right now I'm thinking it would be really, really nice to never have to do this pregnancy thing again! That's not a decision, just vaguely wishful thinking...I still want the babies, just wish getting them here weren't so hard!

I think I need to tell myself more often "I am NOT lying around doing nothing, I am growing a baby!" What could be more productive than that???


Thanks to all those who offered hugs and encouragement!




Sarah, I used to tell my husband when I was in the worst part of the pregnancies that I wish there was a pill I could take to make the baby grow faster.... an "Insta-Baby" pill. :D I would have loved to have had 1-2 more kids, but I just couldn't face another difficult preg. with 6 younger children who needed a functioning mom and myself getting closer and closer to 40 with each one.


And you're right, you're doing one of the most important jobs there is....growing a new human being. Don't knock yourself down if you need to take more breaks than usual. Pregnancy is hard work.

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