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Lacking....HELP ME!

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I have bouts of self doubt and I am in the middle of one right now. I have a 3rd grader and I am not sure how to go about teaching creative writing, book reports or just general writing. We use Rod and Staff for English and he is getting a good grasp of grammar, but we haven't done any writing, per se. Should I supplement with a writing program and if so, which ones do you recommend? How do I teach it? What is expected from a 3rd grader? I feel confident in the other subjects because I sort of follow the set curriculum and feel we have an encompassing core that is complete. Language Arts is just different it isn't a "this is right and this is wrong/check the answer book" subject and I am needing to get started with it.


Right now this is what my 3rd grader is doing for LA:

*Reading daily in assigned books (right now it is the Boxcar Children) for about 30-50 minutes.

* Rod and Staff Spelling, Grade 3

* A Reason for Handwriting, Cursive

* Rod and Staff Grammar, Grade 3

* One chapter a day in a Literature book that I choose (right now it is "On the Shores of Silver Lake")



What do you do for language arts? Is it hard to teach creative writing? How do I start!




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If I remember correctly, isn't writing instruction included in Rod and Staff Grammar? I haven't used it, but I believe I read in WTM that the Rod and Staff writing included in the grammar book was plenty sufficient.


ETA- to say that it is my understanding that "creative writing" should come after a child has learned proper technique. I wouldn't worry too much about creative writing instruction until more like 5th grade. My DD in 2nd LOVES to write stories, songs, poems etc. but thus far I just let her write creatively on her own time and we do WWE currently. I will be waiting until 4th or 5th and then begin "The Creative Writer" with her. HTH! :)

Edited by Coffeetime
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I highly recommend Susan Wise Bauer's mp3s on writing and her writing curriculum Writing With Ease. One thing I definitely remember from the mp3s is that she said not to teach creative writing at all (she explains why but since I can't remember her exact words I will not try to summarize here). Focus on expository writing, but even before that there are a lot of skills needed before a child can even be taught that kind of writing. A child needs to be able to hold a thought in his head long enough to get it down on paper - narration helps a great deal with this and I believe that is where she said to start. Anyway, the mp3s are relatively inexpensive and I think a lot of your fears and frustrations would be dealt with if you listened to them. They really are excellent!


I should've included a link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/elementary-grades-mp3.html

Edited by Kathleen in VA
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I highly recommend Susan Wise Bauer's mp3s on writing and her writing curriculum Writing With Ease. One thing I definitely remember from the mp3s is that she said not to teach creative writing at all (she explains why but since I can't remember her exact words I will not try to summarize here). Focus on expository writing, but even before that there are a lot of skills needed before a child can even be taught that kind of writing. A child needs to be able to hold a thought in his head long enough to get it down on paper - narration helps a great deal with this and I believe that is where she said to start. Anyway, the mp3s are relatively inexpensive and I think a lot of your fears and frustrations would be dealt with if you listened to them. They really are excellent!


I should've included a link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/elementary-grades-mp3.html


I completely agree with this too. I had similar concerns, and boys who have little interest in creative writing. The mp3s helped.


We use Writing with Ease. :)



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We do very similar to you in L.A. Don't worry, R&S does pick up in the writing instruction. There will be several assignments towards the end of 3. In 4, it is interspersed much more throughout the whole book. It is meant to be a complete grammar/writing book. So if you don't do any more than this you will be fine.


But for us, we do follow more of what is outlined in WTM. So we add to the R&S. My children have pen pals. They write out narrations for history and science. They do dictation at least once a week. There is copywork. Ours is usually in their handwriting program from Rod and Staff, but occasionally I give a poem or something we are working on. I have them write out sentences using spelling words they missed ( a little creative writing there :)

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