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Where to start in Life of Fred?


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I have one going into 6th that I want to add LOF to TT with next year. She is average at math, sometimes gets frustrated. We are doing TT 5 this year so some of what she is doing is repeat. For the most part, she scores at least 85-90% on her lessons each day.


Would you jump into LOF Fractions for a 6th grader or start with a lower level, like Honey? We will be moving on to TT 6 for next year.


For those that have used this program, do you have any feedback on whether your children like it.



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I have a child who is just about done with mus delta which is approximately 4 grade math. We started Life of Fred last month as a fun supplement because she hates math and was fit in the middle of long division. After looking at the material I decided that although the appropriate level for her math skills would be fractions starting at the beginning of the elementary books would be a lighter, more fun option for her. We're in the middle of Dogs now and the ath is very easy for her but she loves it. She loves to read and the narrative style is great for her. I expect we'll finish the elementary books and move on the fractions in a few months. In the meantime, I'm just happy to have one part of math she wants to do instead of being forced.

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If she can handle long division comfortably, she should start in Fractions. My son is nearly finished pre-algebra with Biology, and he loves Fred as his primary program. I am friends with another family whose daughter is soon to start Fred Calculus, and they are also well-pleased.

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One more quick questions. 2nd child - would LOF work for a child who doesn't like to read? Are the passages short enough that a non-reader will stick with it? Does that makes sense?:glare:


I'm doing LOF Apples with my 5 yo K student, as a read-aloud, and she does the "your turn to play" on paper or the white board. She likes it, but she doesn't *love* it the way my DD9 does. I think she doesn't get a lot of the humor. The math is fine, but the quirky, weird stuff that DD9 loves is kind of over her head.


I concur with the pp's comments who said that although the math in the elementary series is below the level of DD9, it was well worth starting there, because she loves it so much and it has really helped change her attitude about math. We're almost done with Cats, and we'll definitely do Dogs, but I haven't decided whether to keep on with Elementary, or whether to leapfrog into Fractions. Basically, I think I will keep going with LOF elementary until we get to Fractions in MM, and at that point we'll start LOF Fractions. I think.

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