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start geometry in mid-march or wait?

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My daughter will finish Algebra 2 in mid march and I am thinking about what to do after that. Does it make sense to start geometry at that point and have 2 1/2 months, but have a summer break? Or maybe take that time to do some SAT/ACT prep work instead? She is only a freshman, but i will have her take the PSAT in October, and maybe the ACT in the spring when she will then be a sophomore. This is my first high school student so this is all so new to me. I would welcome any advice.



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I would start. It gives your daughter more freedom to slow down next year if things get tough or speed up and move forward faster. Last year my 8th grader started Alg. in mid March and then we went over the Alg. and took all the tests open book for the first 2 weeks or so (she'd already taken them in the Mar-May ALg. start). She did well so then we just started up where we left off.


OTOH, doing SAT/ACT Prep is fine too :). I like the flexibility of starting early. It is so much easier to do a year's work of math in 10-11months, versus 9-1/2 months if a child hits some rocky spots.


Lisaj, mom to 5

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If you start now you will have more time to work in regular algebra review and math test prep would be a way that you could do some of that. So you could do Geometry for 4 days test prep for 1 or something like that. Not all kids need a lot of test prep, my son went up 3 ACT points(from end of s10th to end of 11th) with just a year of maturity and a few practice tests, otherwise no test prep at all.

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