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What does everyone use for economics?

Guest Katia

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What curriculum or book is good for economics? I need something interesting but informative.


My dd is currently using AOP, and honestly, for a child who knows nothing about economics, she knows everything in these Lifepacs so far. She is also frustrated that they mention something and then don't explain or elaborate on it so that she doesn't really know what it is. It's just a term to memorize, but she wants to understand it.


Suggestions, please! Oh, and she needs to be able to finish it this year.....she's off to college next fall.

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I can't recommend this highly enough. The Teaching Company has an Economics course - taught by Timothy Taylor


Teaching Company Econimics course


This course has 36 half hour lectures and is currently on sale. For $50 you can get the audio download. We put this on mp3 players and listened while in the car and while exercising. This course was enjoyed by kids ranging from 13-18 as well as the adults who listened.


Another resourse I liked was "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt - available new at amazon.com for about $11 or used for about $6. The co-op kids really liked this book.


We used the Penny Candy book and the Stock Market game and some internet lesson plans to round out our course.

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I meant to supplement with the Teaching Company videos, which I have heard are very good, but we never got around to it. We needed something easy to implement over one semester, but I had also heard good things about this particular Abeka title since it was written by Russell Kirk. It went well and ds had no complaints.

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I have not used this yet, and the package is new, but Sonlight has released a package that contains Thinkwell's Economics CD-ROMs, Randy Alcorn's Money, Possessions, and Eternity, and a novel, The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance, a blank journal, and an IG (which is mainly a schedule). I'm actually hoping to use this resource myself this summer so I can't yet comment on what it's like. Just wanted to say that it's out there as a possible choice for an Economics course.

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  • 5 months later...

Though it is usually found in the Public Schools, we choose to register our homeschool with Junior Achievement for the purpose of using their Junior Achievement resources for Economics.


My son did the course fairly independently but he also did an extensive business project (creating a state history game for our state http://www.SpotlightGames.org )


The materials from Junior Achievement were free, but I did need to press them to receive validation as a school. I highly recommend their materials as engaging and comprehensive. With additional study from REA, my son passed both the Macro and Micro economics CLEPs.





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