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Childrens Homer or Black Ships Before Troy?


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What ages are your children? We used both, for different reasons.


I had the text of Children's Homer hanging around, but it worked so well as a car audiobook (unabridged) that we never cracked the book. Black Ships is a Big Kid picture book. It has pictures, but also a lot of text. So I assigned that as independent reading in the middle grades, after they had heard the audiobook of Children's Homer a few times.


I don't think either is too suitable for the 5-8 yo set, unless they are already used to full-length works in audiobooks. If you've already trained them to it, then you could probably get away with the audiobook.


For the first time this year, they read a full translation of The Odyssey, following along with an audiobook with their own texts, and it went really well. They really enjoyed it.

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Black Ships Before Troy is a retelling of The Iliad, while The Children's Homer is a retelling of both The Iliad and The Odyssey. Black Ships Before Troy is a little easier to follow, since The Children's Homer uses flashbacks and its sentence structure is a bit more complex.


I have my kids read both, but I prefer The Children's Homer. Black Ships had more details about the battles than I cared for. I believe The Children's Homer is available online for free (under its previous title).



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