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Word on the street...is that a year from now

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I'll be packing to move...again. We moved in Thanksgiving week of 2011. I have about 12 months to get the house ready to put on the market (which includes finishing all of the trim work, finish work in the kitchen, building cabinets for the laundry room, tiling the master shower ceiling, backsplashes in the kitchen and bathrooms, adding stonework and a hearth to the family room fireplace, stonework to the front elevation, landscaping, and cleaning out all of our storage boxes (plus, we still have to finish moving out of my parents' basement).


And here I thought 2012 would be a relatively sane year.



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I'm assuming this because of a job transfer or some other thing that isn't really negotiable. Either way I think I would sit down and cry.


Wasn't this suppose to be your dream home?


I haven't moved since we moved from our apartment with one kid to this house. Just the thought of having to move terrifies me. You are taking it better than I would.

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We found out the transfer was coming (no timetable) when this house made it to dry-in, and I had just written a check for the hardwood flooring. We get the actual timetable in August/September... I'm hoping we don't have to actually move until May/June (giving us a LITTLE time to attempt to sell the house on our own, plus a bit more time to clean out).


Overall, the move will be good for our family. Lower mortgage, closer commute, more family time... more to do for the family.


Sad parts...leaving the church we've finally started to become a part of, friends we've made, and the kids' friends, and leaving my folks.


Guess I really need to get busy with freecycle and getting things sorted, sold, and shredded!

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Overall, I am looking forward to the move... but inside, I am really freaking out. People think I'm so calm (it's all a facade, people!). I am a bit overwhelmed to the point of "where do I even start?" I have not finished packing and moving our stuff from my parents' house, let alone unpacked and sorted here... and all of the projects we have to finish just to get the house ready to sell.


My husband found the NAVFAC brief on the study...with notes including:


"Staying here will fail..."

"Yorktown, Chesapeake, VA Beach and Norfolk" as potential sites (Suffolk wasn't listed, but my dh said that's probably just a mistake. We've been thinking there were really only two sites up for serious consideration... Nofrolk and Suffolk. I'm surprised Yorktown is still on the list. Chesapeake would be fine (much cheaper than Norfolk), and VA Beach has me scratching my head...


There were other "eyebrow-raising" notes, but without the full context, I don't want to speculate.


I need to focus on getting things sorted, cleaned out, and re-packed. Maybe I should just go buy some more boxes and get everything from my parents loaded... FAST. Because it seems to be apparent, that I'm simply going to be cleaning out and re-packing stuff for a bigger move than 6 miles away.


I am seriously going to miss my mom.

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Have you unpacked yet? I certainly feel for you. We'll probably be moving twice in 2012. :grouphug::grouphug:


I can't give much advice. Just keep purging. Work on things a little at a time from what will stay nice the longest to what needs to be done at the last minute to stay nice.


I remember those days. We moved three times during my 8th grade year. :tongue_smilie: Moved again right before 9th, and then again before 10th.



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I'm assuming this because of a job transfer or some other thing that isn't really negotiable. Either way I think I would sit down and cry.


Wasn't this suppose to be your dream home?


I haven't moved since we moved from our apartment with one kid to this house. Just the thought of having to move terrifies me. You are taking it better than I would.


Well, the house is "my" modified version of a standard house in the area... we had to build something, and building my dream home cost too much (because no one was building anything like it... so spec'ing it out was problematic). I told my dh, if we build again, at least I have everything picked out!


I do want the next house we buy to be the last house we buy, so I'm really hoping to get that "dream house." But that will probably require a temporary housing situation (rental) while we build/renovate. I'm expecting to build... renovating a property has a LOT more unknowns that creep up.


I knew the move was going to happen, but my "short" timeframe had us moving August/Sept of 2013...not next spring. I can be ready next fall, but next spring? Really going to mess with school.


I'm going to take the weekend to start planning... and then guess we'll start working the plan!

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