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Little Passports? Do you like or not? Different program?


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I have toyed with the idea... and even been close to clicking the Buy button... but keep coming back to the thought that, even when it was 25% off from HSBC (that deal is over, I think), it's a LOT of money.

Without the deal, their "best deal" is $11 a month for 12 months... making it a $121 geography "text". If you think of it as a school resource rather than a membership, the price really comes into perspective. For some, it may be worthwhile... for us, I just keep thinking "$121 textbook." :-o

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My DD didn't get into it. She liked getting the packets and the little toys/artifacts, but didn't really use the online resources at all. However, I've got the strange kid who would much rather read about something than watch a video, and who really hasn't gotten into Brainpop or Headventureland.

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I got ours on eBay for a little better price. But....it still was a LOT of money for what you get. My dd is excited to get her package in the mail. But, I'm not totally impressed. A few of the souvenirs were ok; the Egyptian pyramid was a hit, dd loved the little tiger beanie baby. The double decker bus from England was a nightmare for me to assemble. :eek: In my opinion, there is very little that is actually learned...other than finding the location on the map, seeing a picture, and learning a couple of facts. I guess the thing that turned me off from the very first package was the map. The water is cream colored. It just makes no sense. It's hard to visualize land and water when the water is cream colored. :001_unsure:

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We did it for seven months, took 4 or 5 months off and just started again this month. My daughter loves geography and LOVES getting presents in the mail. She missed it during the break. We do use all the material that comes in package each month, and go further to study more (she's 6). I only do that to get moneys worth. It's expensive. The monthly cost doesn't seem like much, but when you add up full year, I too, saw how I could use that money for something "better". I took the break without telling her to see if she even noticed and she did. And although we do take time to study those counteries that come in mail, I really don't feel it adds that much to her learning, again based on cost.

So, I'm going to see how it goes for a while and may drop it again. It's a great idea but I would like to see more content in the packages.

Hope that helps, Jen

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I have toyed with the idea... and even been close to clicking the Buy button... but keep coming back to the thought that, even when it was 25% off from HSBC (that deal is over, I think), it's a LOT of money.

Without the deal, their "best deal" is $11 a month for 12 months... making it a $121 geography "text". If you think of it as a school resource rather than a membership, the price really comes into perspective. For some, it may be worthwhile... for us, I just keep thinking "$121 textbook." :-o


I guess that is a good way of looking at this. Have any of you done anything else similiar that you did like? Confessions of a homeschooler has something I think more about America Road trip or something like that. I feel my kids have enough "hard core" curriculum, but I was hoping to add some more "fluff" and fun. Any thoughts?

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One thing that we've discussed doing in my co-op group is having each family take a country, and come up with a "little passports" sort of kit that would have maps, activities to do, a list of websites, and some sort of small prop/toy. If each family made enough kits for everyone in the group, we could probably get 12 kits for about the cost of ONE little Passports month.

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We like it and do the month to month subscription.


I use it as a jumping off point I guess. We receive the package and do the stickers and check out whatever the prize is. The next week we do a notebooking page for that country. We include the currency, languages spoken, flag, population, natural resources, famous attractions and color a little map page to locate the country. Week 3 we have a meal from that country and sometimes do a craft. Week four he does the computer games. Then we start with the next country. I guess it is kind of pricey but it keeps him interested.


I love the idea of the co-op and getting together packages as a group. smart.....

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