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camps or gifted programs for history lovers

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I've been doing some searching and the only things I seem to come up with are math/science camps. I would love for my middle child to be able to do something with history or literature ( that said, he doesn't enjoy writing). He qualifies for the Duke summer camps, but isn't quite ready to be gone for 3 weeks. He is currently in 9th grade. I found this which he thought looks awesome:



However, an adult must go with you. Between my husband and I going to Honduras at the end of May, my going with my daughter for a week to a Fine Arts camp in July, and our family camping trip in the RV in August, I don't think it will work. His dad would love this seminar, so we are shooting for next summer for this.


Is there anything else? He could work at a museum, but I'll be honest, we have an oil museum here and a REALLY small historical museum in the next town. BORING. If we had the Nimitz museum here or Gettysburg, he would love that...


He reads everything he can get his hands on about the Civil War or World War II. I think he would enjoy literary things as well. He loves to read and although he complains about almost every hard work we start, he always says, "This is getting better." as we get into it. We are all enjoying The Scarlet Letter right now. I don't remember enjoying it so much the last time I taught it. We are having some great discussions: discouraging immoral behaviour yet the role of grace, is Chillingsworth really evil ( They didn't think so at first, but are changing their minds.)? What in the world did Hester even see in Dimmesdale in the first place?????


But I digress. If you have any ideas let me know.

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I've been doing some searching and the only things I seem to come up with are math/science camps. I would love for my middle child to be able to do something with history or literature ( that said, he doesn't enjoy writing). He qualifies for the Duke summer camps, but isn't quite ready to be gone for 3 weeks. He is currently in 9th grade. I found this which he thought looks awesome:



However, an adult must go with you. Between my husband and I going to Honduras at the end of May, my going with my daughter for a week to a Fine Arts camp in July, and our family camping trip in the RV in August, I don't think it will work. His dad would love this seminar, so we are shooting for next summer for this.


Is there anything else? He could work at a museum, but I'll be honest, we have an oil museum here and a REALLY small historical museum in the next town. BORING. If we had the Nimitz museum here or Gettysburg, he would love that...


He reads everything he can get his hands on about the Civil War or World War II. I think he would enjoy literary things as well. He loves to read and although he complains about almost every hard work we start, he always says, "This is getting better." as we get into it. We are all enjoying The Scarlet Letter right now. I don't remember enjoying it so much the last time I taught it. We are having some great discussions: discouraging immoral behaviour yet the role of grace, is Chillingsworth really evil ( They didn't think so at first, but are changing their minds.)? What in the world did Hester even see in Dimmesdale in the first place?????


But I digress. If you have any ideas let me know.


Maybe he could help the local museums develop a program that was less boring? Perhaps something like a local history trail or a boxed set of lessons on local history topics using primary sources.


I think William and Mary has some summer history and archeology camps. You might also look at the local colleges and universities near you. Or see if your state historical society or state archive does anything.


There might also be history work available within a local parks district.

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Coud you combine his history interest with your trip in August? Maybe Gettysburg' date=' Mt. Vernon, Philadelphia, Williamsburg ...[/quote']


We've already done all of that. We've been to Gettysburg twice, Bull Run, Fredricksburg, Spotsylvania, etc. We took a trip a couple of years ago to Vicksburg, Shiloh, Lookout Mountain, etc He's been to Jamestown, Yorkstown, Philadelphia, etc.


Our summer trip is to California.. We are going from East Texas to the Grand Canyon ( lots of Indian places on the way out) then on to Humboldt State Park and Redwood National Park and Crater Lake national park... I'm planning it as we speak... We will definitely stop at history things along the way. When the boys were smaller, we got a notebook for them, and they have it full of junior ranger badges from the National Parks. Now they are too old for that..

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We've already done all of that. We've been to Gettysburg twice, Bull Run, Fredricksburg, Spotsylvania, etc. We took a trip a couple of years ago to Vicksburg, Shiloh, Lookout Mountain, etc He's been to Jamestown, Yorkstown, Philadelphia, etc.


Our summer trip is to California.. We are going from East Texas to the Grand Canyon ( lots of Indian places on the way out) then on to Humboldt State Park and Redwood National Park and Crater Lake national park... I'm planning it as we speak... We will definitely stop at history things along the way. When the boys were smaller, we got a notebook for them, and they have it full of junior ranger badges from the National Parks. Now they are too old for that..


That sounds like an amazing trip! :)

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Have you looked at Hillsdale's overseas trips? I feel like a broken record here lately (anyone remember those?) but it keeps coming up on the boards.



Those look cool but there is no way I could get him to go.. I would have LOVED this as a teenager. My Latin teacher went to Rome every year but I couldn't afford to go... For him to go somewhere like aTm which is only 3 hours away BY HIMSELF would be a hard sell. But thanks for sharing it for others that are looking at the thread.

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We sort of did this one on our own last May:




We watched the Rufus Fears lecture last year while we did TOG Year 4. Then we went to the Churchill Museum in London, Paris and the D-Day beaches. We spend Sun-Friday in Normandy and it was the favorite part of our whole trip. Dh and I would like to spend a month there. The three bedroom gite was 291 euros total!!! We drove to all of the beaches and walked around Bayeaux ( where the gite was). The big splurge since the most of the attractions were free and the lodging was so cheap was to take a Band of Brothers tour. It was AWESOME!! We also listed to Beyond Band of Brothers on that trip by Major Dick Winters. I highly recommend that book. We let the boys watch a couple of episodes of the HBO Band of Brothers miniseries. That was so well done!!!


Honestly, I think that is why both boys like history. AP Government is the first year we have used a textbook. They just read tons of books, watch documentaries, and actually GO the places. We all have fun. My own history education was AWFUL.... a coach that would have you read the chapter for 2 days, maps on Wednesday, test on Thursday and talk about football on Friday!!!


When I made history my 2nd teaching field, I swore I would be different. I held a constitutional convention for my lower level 8th graders. They all took parts and argued just like the real people. They loved it.

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Look into the National History Day events in your district and state. Students that go on to the national competition spend a week at the University of Maryland just outside DC in June. Entries can range from historical performances to websites to exhibit boards and papers, so the amount of writing involved definitely varies. It's an excellent program that teaches historical research and lets the kids involved focus on whatever area of history particularly appeals to them.

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