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Realizing that I am the matriarch...

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This past Christmas was a big sign... I am "it". I received very few gifts from family members (that's not a "problem", for the most part). I am the giver, no longer the receiver. My grandparents have been gone for many years and my dad stopped sending me gifts quite a number of years ago... my mom sends a little something, but... you know... it's more than the gifts... it's the passing of the "giver" baton.


I was the great aunt that sent packages out across the miles... the grandma who just had to get the cute little holiday shirts for grandchildren... the hostess of gatherings and instigator of table games...


It just dawned on me this week that I am now the one family members are looking up to... I am the matriarch. Kind of makes me feel pride. But, also aware that someday they will all mention me... "Hey, 'member how Aunt Bee always sent Christmas goodies with those home made peanut butter cups?" or "Every time I was at Grandma's she sang to me and sniffed me when she hugged me." (My grandma always did that.)


Just musing. Anyone else see themselves filling this family role? What's it like for you?

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Yep that's me. Although I usually refer to myself as "the glue". We moved here and the first Thanksgiving we were gone, the rest of my family in the states did NOT get together for dinner for the first time in my life.


I asked my mom' "why didn't you all have dinner together like always?" she said "You weren't here." I was like :001_huh:


Then I realized, I am ALWAYS the one who organizes the dinner: where, what time, who brings what. Without me there the whole thing just fell apart! They did the same thing at christmas and easter until my brothers called me complaining and I had to actually scold them all!


This year I helped them plan christmas dinner from the other side of the world. Sheesh....





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No, I have a younger sister who lives closer to everyone and will take that over. You can see it happening (she calls everyone when something happens), although my mom is still the official organizer.


Its sad to see my dad's family. His mother stopped but no one really wants my mother to organize them so its fizzled out.

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