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Teachers Lodge is OPEN 1-9-2012

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Sorry it's been so long but I really needed the break. I now need a vacation, but that's another issue, altogether!


How are all of you? When did you start back to school? We officially started back today but, since dd's co-op Biology class started back last Friday, we did do a wee bit of Biology last week. Today was full bore and we're still going!


Afternoon snack, anyone? Hubby bought me a cute tin with some sugar cookies in it. I'm snacking on those while I finish my drink and then may have a few more (they're tiny) after I make some tea!


Are you LONG day or SHORT day homeschoolers? We used to be short day (relatively) but I'm now realizing that my 13yo dd needs a LONG(er) day to get everything done! She says she wants to go to a high school "with other people" but I don't think she realizes the workload that comes with that! Well, I guess the workload is pretty much the same but the TIMEFRAME sure is different!;)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hiya Scrap! Those on the East coast are making supper, I think and those of us on the West coast are busy schooling!


We started back to school on January 2nd.


Afternoon snack - to be determined in 40 min. I'm thinking trail mix - nuts and dried fruit and chocolate! And some hot tea. I've been drinking a lot more hot tea lately to get me over the urge to keep stuffing my face with food.


We are long day homeschoolers, I guess. We go from 10 am to around 4 pm.


Missed you!

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Hey there!

Today was looonng day. Sometimes Mondays s*ck. :glare: We did have a WONDERFUL time doing science today, which was great. But everything else was like pulling teeth.


My kitchen is a total mess right now, and I need to pick up younger from Music School in abuot 10 minutes.....so I guess I should get started.


Dinner will be chicken noodle soup for my sicky kids.

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Hello Teachers ;)


Our day is usually based on attitude around here. Our day can go fast if we are focused, not tired and plowing through things. On the other hand, we can go till dinner because we have had too many issues and distractions.


We started back last week, but have not really had a full day of vigorous work yet. I guess I have not gotten back in to my groove yet, which means ds is definitely not either ;) I told him I think we are going to do some what of an all year schooling from now on. We just like to take to many random days off all the time :glare:

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We started back on Jan 3rd, after a two week break. It was nice to have a break, but difficult to get back into the routine. Thankfully, this week we seem to have found our "groove" again. Depending on the age of the child, we are generally mid-length day schoolers. My middle two are shorter (9am-1:30 or 2pm), but my oldest (9th grade) is 8am-4 or 5pm, plus some occasional work to complete on her own time in the evening.


Today was a productive day. We've done a lot of schoolwork, plus I prepped 2 dinners for this week and did 5 loads of laundry (washed, dried, folded and put away). Pheww! The rest of this week looks to be busy with evening activities, so I wanted to get quite a bit done today.


Dinner tonight was loaded chicken breasts and veggies for the kids (leftovers from last night's dinner). I am waiting to eat with dh (had to work late this evening). We'll be having stuffed shells, asparagus, and bread.

Edited by MamaAkins
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