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GRR... A/c is acting up and it was 95 today!

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A/C was working just fine today, but now it won't cool! Upstairs unit has done this before, we changed the batteries in the thermostat and that fixed the problem. Both units were running and would not shut off. The upstairs was not cooling, downstairs would not go past 77(we have it set on 76). We just turned them off so they would not burn up.

This is a new house, we have lived here for 3yrs!

These units should not be acting like this!

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Our houes is less than 3 years old too, and our AC started acting up! We've been roasting in the house. The AC guy came today and recharged it. Works like a charm now. It cost $101.00 to have it fixed. That's a big chunk of money, but worth it. Yesterday, when we got home, it was 90 degrees in our house. :w00t:

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Ours does the same thing. There isn't anything wrong with ours, it is just too hot for it to cool properly. I feel for you though, I hate being hot. :(


Yes - I was going to say something similar. It might very well be too hot for the ac to keep up. I have this problem often in the summer and we have a newer unit that's supposed to be the right size for our home. I keep the shades/blinds closed on the east facing windows in the morning, and keep the ceiling fans going. DH will actually put the thermostat lower in the morning so that maybe the coolness will last somewhat into the afternoon.


Sometimes we have a problem if there is a power surge. If it's not enough to turn the thermostat off like it's supposed to do - the compressor will stop cooling. If it's blowing warm air, and you see evidence that the power blinked off (digital clocks are blank), then turn off the unit for about 15 minutes and then turn back on.


And my last tip - call the ac repair to do their typical yearly service - but DON'T tell them that you think you are having a problem. I made that mistake one year - they sent a repair man instead of the service man - and absolutley nothing was done and I got charged for the repair visit. If they had sent the service man- then they would have cleaned it up - given it a little boost and it might have made an improvement.

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Yes - I was going to say something similar. It might very well be too hot for the ac to keep up. I have this problem often in the summer and we have a newer unit that's supposed to be the right size for our home. I keep the shades/blinds closed on the east facing windows in the morning, and keep the ceiling fans going. DH will actually put the thermostat lower in the morning so that maybe the coolness will last somewhat into the afternoon.




Sometimes we have a problem if there is a power surge. If it's not enough to turn the thermostat off like it's supposed to do - the compressor will stop cooling. If it's blowing warm air, and you see evidence that the power blinked off (digital clocks are blank), then turn off the unit for about 15 minutes and then turn back on.


And my last tip - call the ac repair to do their typical yearly service - but DON'T tell them that you think you are having a problem. I made that mistake one year - they sent a repair man instead of the service man - and absolutley nothing was done and I got charged for the repair visit. If they had sent the service man- then they would have cleaned it up - given it a little boost and it might have made an improvement.



So that is why we think something is wrong. Last year when it happened everyone was having the same problem.


Thanks for that advice...we will definitely call for a service man and just ask them for a yearly check up. We are hoping since we have only lived here for 3yrs, if something is wrong it will still be under warranty(fingers crossed!).

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I feel your pain. Last summer, our house A/C broke. The pump wore out and it was hotter than hades, but, the car A/C worked. This summer, my house A/C works and the car A/C just went out! I'm hoping next summer, both will work, at the same time. LOL


I hope you have some sort of warranty on your A/C. I keep a home owners warranty so if anything breaks, it's just a $60 co pay for repairs.

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One other tip we learned the hard way last year in FL. CHECK THE FILTERS. If you don't change them regularly (we buy the cheap ones now and do it monthly) that can clog up the air intake and then the condenser will freeze up (ours looked like a big block of ice) when the condenser freezes the flow of the cool air out the ducts is blocked. We had to turn the unit off let the condenser thaw out and then when we put in the new filter VOILA worked perfect. Our AC here was acting up and turned out to be low freon, but the AC guys said the biggest thing they run into is people who don't change the filter enough and then have the problem we have.


Hope things get working soon.

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One other tip we learned the hard way last year in FL. CHECK THE FILTERS. If you don't change them regularly (we buy the cheap ones now and do it monthly) that can clog up the air intake and then the condenser will freeze up (ours looked like a big block of ice) when the condenser freezes the flow of the cool air out the ducts is blocked. We had to turn the unit off let the condenser thaw out and then when we put in the new filter VOILA worked perfect. Our AC here was acting up and turned out to be low freon, but the AC guys said the biggest thing they run into is people who don't change the filter enough and then have the problem we have.


Hope things get working soon.


Very True! I need to go check mine!

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One other tip we learned the hard way last year in FL. CHECK THE FILTERS. If you don't change them regularly (we buy the cheap ones now and do it monthly) that can clog up the air intake and then the condenser will freeze up (ours looked like a big block of ice) when the condenser freezes the flow of the cool air out the ducts is blocked. We had to turn the unit off let the condenser thaw out and then when we put in the new filter VOILA worked perfect. Our AC here was acting up and turned out to be low freon, but the AC guys said the biggest thing they run into is people who don't change the filter enough and then have the problem we have.


Hope things get working soon.


I changed them about a month ago and changed them again last night.

Right now the A/C is working. We called the company and they are coming out to do a yearly check-up.


Hopefully it will continue to work or they will find the problem!

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I feel for you! We are expecting our third day of temperatures in the high 90s. We don't have a/c. If my dw didn't need to be at a meeting today, I would pile us all into the car and go to the nearest air-conditioned, wifi-offering café. In fact, I may insist that she take us along and drop us someplace cool.

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