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Is it possible to have a pretty painful mittelschmerz and not ovulate?


What else could it have been?


I experience mittelschmerz every cycle. Some cycles more than others.


My cycles have been between 26-32 days for a year. Day 40 today. I had very painful and distinct mittelschmerz on the 14 of Dec. There is no way I could have ovulated then and not have started my period by now.


I've read that ovulation can occur after mittelschmerz, but I'm not finding an average time frame of when ovulation would occur afterward.


I couldn't have had mittelschmerz and then not ovulated, could I?



I do not like my body throwing me curve balls. :glare: I like knowing what's going on.

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Is it possible to have a pretty painful mittelschmerz and not ovulate?


What else could it have been?


I experience mittelschmerz every cycle. Some cycles more than others.


My cycles have been between 26-32 days for a year. Day 40 today. I had very painful and distinct mittelschmerz on the 14 of Dec. There is no way I could have ovulated then and not have started my period by now.


I've read that ovulation can occur after mittelschmerz, but I'm not finding an average time frame of when ovulation would occur afterward.


I couldn't have had mittelschmerz and then not ovulated, could I?



I do not like my body throwing me curve balls. :glare: I like knowing what's going on.


I'm no doctor, but I would say that I think it's possible to have ovulated but then also to have your period be delayed by other issues (stress etc.). The way I eat affects my period greatly, both in terms of volume, intensity of cramping, and start/end times.


And now I'll ask the obvious question: Have you tested? :bigear:

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I'm no doctor, but I would say that I think it's possible to have ovulated but then also to have your period be delayed by other issues (stress etc.). The way I eat affects my period greatly, both in terms of volume, intensity of cramping, and start/end times.


And now I'll ask the obvious question: Have you tested? :bigear:



Outside factors can delay ovulation and therefore throw off your start date. However, once ovulation has happened there is no delay. The post ovulation phase is 14 to 17 days. If you start your period before 14 days, then that is too short for a pregnancy to establish. If it is 18 days or longer, you are pregnant. This means if you start your period 18+ days after ovulation, you have miscarried.


I've read Taking Charge of Your Fertility years ago, and I remember this from the book.


DH had a vasectomy three years ago. I'm crazy to think I might be pregnant! I keep telling myself...."It is not possible. The chances are so minute. No, it's silly to consider pregnancy."

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Outside factors can delay ovulation and therefore throw off your start date. However, once ovulation has happened there is no delay. The post ovulation phase is 14 to 17 days. If you start your period before 14 days, then that is too short for a pregnancy to establish. If it is 18 days or longer, you are pregnant. This means if you start your period 18+ days after ovulation, you have miscarried.


I've read Taking Charge of Your Fertility years ago, and I remember this from the book.


DH had a vasectomy three years ago. I'm crazy to think I might be pregnant! I keep telling myself...."It is not possible. The chances are so minute. No, it's silly to consider pregnancy."


Ah, that makes sense. Then I really don't know and might call my doctor. Are you positive that what you felt was your usual mittelschmertz? I'd definitely test either way though, just to shut that little voice in my head up! Dollar store tests are cheap enough that I'd probably buy two.

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I've had that pinchy mittelschmerz feeling when I've ganked (yes, I've decided that's the technical term) a lower abdominal muscle or some other area connective tissue. I was definitely not ovulating at the time.


(I'm enjoying the number of times mittelschmerz - an excellent word - is being used in this conversation.)

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DH had a vasectomy three years ago. I'm crazy to think I might be pregnant! I keep telling myself...."It is not possible. The chances are so minute. No, it's silly to consider pregnancy."


and some men have very healthy bodies that are good at repairing things. I'd test just in case.

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