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Beyond the Code question

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I’m not sure if this belongs on this board, but based on entries on the K-8 board, I don’t think it belongs there.


My kindergarten student is a self-taught reader. I do not know his reading level. He can pretty much read anything that he wants to. “Wants to†being the key phrase. His most recent required reading was Percy the Small Engine (four stories from Awdry’s Railway Series). I do know that his decoding skills are far greater than his stamina.


He has been working through ETC both to fill in any phonics gaps and for extra handwriting practice. He started with book 2 and is currently a bit more than halfway through book 4. He likes the silly sentences and hates writing the words. He writes them anyway.


I recently bought the four Beyond the Code workbooks. Today, I pulled the first one out and had him read through the first few exercises and story. He read it fluently, but without interest. He was willing to do the exercises verbally. Then little brother came into the room wanting to read too. I let him try.


My 3.5 year old read the entire first story. He was not nearly as fluent as big brother and was obviously sounding out some of the words. But, he only missed 3 or 4 words – all of them words with initial blends. I knew he was starting to read, he has been reading the first series Bob books for a few months, but I had no idea that he read that well.


So now what do I do? Give the first book to my younger son and have him do the exercises orally? He is interested in the book and would like to read the rest of the stories. I could have my kindergarten student try one of the other books. Which one?


Or, have the boys work through the book together? They could do it orally or I could require my kindergartener to do the writing. I don’t really want to buy another copy of the book, but could if it would work better for them each to have their own copy.


Something else? I know I need to start handwriting with my younger son. I was planning to wait until he turned four. I have the HWOT preschool book for him, maybe start it now? I also have ETC book 1 for him, but it does not look like it he really needs it. I was not really planning to do preschool with him until fall. He is picking up a lot sitting in on big brother's lessons.


What about my older son? I don't want to bore him with work that is beneath his ability. But other than the Railway books, I am having a hard time coming up with books that are age appropriate, interest him, and that I have not previously read to him (incredible memory).

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I don't have any experience with Explode the Code, so I can't help there. For your older son, I would borrow library books to read together. I alternate pages with my daughter when we read aloud. You could do whatever length he is comfortable with, and then you read until he can read to you again. I'd let the younger child work on the material he is enthusiastic about.


Hopefully someone else can give you more advice!

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The name "Beyond" the code is a little misleading. It seems like it should come after ETC, but it really doesn't. It's meant to go with appx books 2-6 of the ETC series. I used it when one of my kids was 4 (on a high school reading level, but not comprehension level). He didn't really get much out of it. I wish I'd used it when he was 3, because it would've been a much better fit.


I'd say let your two work together on it. Have them take turns. The younger might just enjoy the thrill of actually READING from "big brother's" book, but the older will be able to do the activities and will benefit more from them. You might think about skipping book one for the older and going straight to book two.

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I would say that they could work the beyond th code books together. I would still let your younger son do the etc books. They cover all the phonics rules and blends so I felt it gave my very early reader a good foundation. He will probably go through the first few very quickly but he'll learn blends.

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The name "Beyond" the code is a little misleading. It seems like it should come after ETC, but it really doesn't. It's meant to go with appx books 2-6 of the ETC series.


:iagree: We did Beyond the Code 1 after Explode the Code 2, then BTC2 after ETC3. The publisher, however, claims that BTC1 is meant to go after ETC1, then 2 after 2, etc.


My vote is to do BTC1 orally with your younger son (with handwriting separate) and BTC2 with the older.

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