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Where do they get all this energy? :001_huh: We got up at six this morning, and they did chores and played hard for four hours. Then we did two hours of jam-packed school while my husband went to work out. Then we went here, and walked up and down trails for almost three hours. Now, they are running around in their fairy costumes from Christmas, and they all have fairy names.


The red fairy is Twinkletoes ("Twinkle").

The yellow fairy is Whisper ("Whisp").

The blue fairy is Tiptoe ("Tip").


The irony here is that Whisp is my loud-mouth, Twinkletoes is our nerdy book-worm who (literally) walks into walls daily, and Tiptoe is our stomper.



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I love it!!! Those fairy names and your descriptions are simply priceless...


I know it's a lot of energy and all, but enjoy... really breathe it in and enjoy...


My grandmother used to say that her kids went to sleep at night with more energy than she had when she woke up in the morning! I can relate now that I am in my 40's and have to force myself to get more active...


Anyway, THANKS for sharing, that is too cute!

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