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s/o(MFW/TOG)....US history question

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You might look on this Hippocampus site for AP American History. If you click on this link http://www.montereyinstitute.org/courses/AP%20US%20History%20I/nroc%20prototype%20files/coursestartc.html


you can see the different textbooks you can use with this course.


That said, my oldest did Dialectic level TOG for 7th and 8th then rhetoric year 3 and 4. At the end of his 10th grade year I had him take SAT II in American history and he made a 730. So TOG had plenty of American history!!!

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The boys are saying they skipped a lot of the Old West people and events they felt are very inmportant to our history. I have to verify it but they love the old west so I believe them. Unless TOG is skipping around and will eventually come back to that??


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What weeks are you on. I'm out of town, but I'll get it down. Please tell me what they consider to be the important things TOG skipped. I honestly didn't notice anything and one of my teaching fields is history. That said, we always watched TONS of documentaries at lunchtime about whatever period we were studying. My boys love the history channel and A & E through netflix.

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We're using a college textbook. The American Past by Joseph R. Conlin. My older ds took Am. hist. at the community college and that is the book they used. I looked through it at that time and thought it very balanced, so I decided to use it for the younger son at home. If you get the 8th edition, which is a little less expensive since it is not the newest, there are lots of quizzes and activities online for each chapter. Saves a lot of teacher prep time.

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