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Graduation present question

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My family and I have been invited to a neighbor's High School graduation party. His mom was my little one's baby sitter for a couple of years and they are all a great family, they are very hard working, honest people. They are from Colombia and in the invitation it read "Envelope shower", meaning monetary gifts would be preferred.


I have no problem with this. I know they are not particularly well off, especially with the current economic situation, so I am happy to give money rather than buying a gift. This boy made very good grades and is going to the local Community College. My question is I am not sure how much money it would be appropriate to give. Is a graduation present considered like a wedding, for example? This is our first ever high school graduation party. Where my dh is from and where I am from we don't do graduation parties, we just graduate and move on to the next thing, so we are a bit clueless, LOL!


Any help would be appreciated.



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