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How to survive the in-laws

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First of all, they are GREAT people. I LOVE them. However, I tend to gain several pounds every time we visit. We will be there for 5 days. She has bought every person their favorite Blue Bell Ice cream flavor. She will have tons of Christmas candy out and about. It is my daughter's birthday so she has requested chicken fried steak. ( This is what I make for my dh/boys' birthdays as well. Only time I make it since it is so bad. So we get it twice a year.) Of course they will get her a birthday cake...


Sigh... I guess I should just realize that instead of 142 being the heaviest I have ever been, it will be 145 after next week... But then I can just eat what is healthy here...


But seriously, how do you eat healthy in that kind of environment?

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It's only 5 days. You can come prepared with healthy snacks that you like (or that you can stand) . . . celery sticks & baby carrots. . . bring a cooler . . .


How about just go on a 5 day diet and just say NO to all of it? (Unless it is something you really love, then go for it.)


It is so hard to pass up my 3 favorite food groups: Blue Bell Ice Cream, chocolate and chocolate cake.... I wish I had willpower. In college, when my dad sent me double stuff oreos for exams, I polished them off in a couple of days... That is why I can't buy any.....


How do you develop willpower?? I've never had any? I'm still picking/biting my nails at 44 because I can't stop. I don't drink partially because I'm afraid I'd be addicted. Seriously.

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I have the complete opposite problem. I swear my FIL and his wife never eat. I think they live mostly on diet pepsi. I dread staying there because I know I'm going to be constantly hungry. Everything is sugar free (with artificial sweeteners) and fat free, and I *need* some fat in my diet or I'm miserable. They lack almost all basic pantry staples, making it virtually impossible to cook. This year I brought a cooler with food in it because there's no way I could feed my toddler there otherwise. It was much better with the cooler (even if it made them think I'm even more crazy than they already did), and it beat packing avocados in the corners of my suit case like I did last year. :tongue_smilie:

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