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Buying clothes you love, then hating them...

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2 or 3 months later.


This seems to be a pattern for me. I'll really enjoy my clothes for a couple months, then wonder why I ever thought they looked good and want them out of my closet!


Now in thinking about this it usually doesn't happen with my dressier clothes. I can wear them and feel good in them for a long time. It's my everyday clothes that start off looking great to me, then become old and frumpy in my mind. This especially happens when I buy cheaper clothes because the get stretched out or get those little holes! But it even happens when the clothes still look the same.


I think I need a mom uniform that I won't tire of.


Okay, here's my plan. I'll go through my closet and find the clothes that have stood the test of time and figure out why. Unfortunately it's going to be a very small list. I'd be happy in jeans and a hoodie most days, so maybe I should just go with that!

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I have the same problem, and I agree it's often the quality of the clothes. Even if you think they look the same, often they fade, get dingy, shrink a certain amount, start fitting ever-so-slightly differently--and then I hate them.


My solution has been two-fold. I'm trying to buy better quality clothes, and I'm trying to care for them more carefully. I've always been a wash-and-wear kind of girl, and if it couldn't be thrown in the dryer, I didn't buy it. But in the interest of not hating my clothing, I've started hanging some things, washing some things inside out, taking more care with hanging them up after one short wearing so they can maybe be re-worn, etc. It drives me crazy, but it's working for me. It's also hard to spend more money on clothing, but it's equally hard to spend $50 on clothes at Target that I then end up wanting to give away in a few months.


I feel your pain!

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I've also recently tried Kohls. Love the prices, hate the quality.


And I feel the same way about Kohls. The last time I shopped there, I bought some cute tops. After a few washings, they shrank so much there was a gap between the top of my pants and the bottoms of the shirts, and there was an inch or more of wrist exposed after the ends of the sleeves :glare: I haven't bought clothing there since.

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I shop primarily at Kohl's and Penney's and have been happy with the majority of my purchases. Money is tight so I only shop sale prices. I've tried buying a few things at Target but they are usually not made well and the fabric is way too thin, so I've sworn to not buy anymore clothes from them.

I don't put any of my tops in the dryer (except for cheapo tshirts). I hang dry everything and they seem to stay nicer longer. It's a bit more work, but definitely worth it for me.

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I've learned the hard way never to put my shirts in the dryer. I've been hanging them for years.


I get so frustrated when one accidentally gets thrown in there! It shrinks so much I can't wear it anymore.


In looking through my clothes I have found the clothes I continue to enjoy are the nicer quality ones bought at stores like Lands End, Ann Taylor Loft, Nordstrom, or Anthropologie. Can't afford full price at any of those stores, but they have great sales.


I just always go through these phases of trying to shop at the discount stores. Doesn't seem to be working for me.

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