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So, what's working best for these symptoms this year??


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I woke up with a bit of congestion and a scratchy throat. Tried hard all day to not keep clearing my throat. My throat is throbbing in pain, particularly on the right side near neck lymph node and my ear is starting to hurt just a little... and my throat occasionally feels like it's on fire. It hurts terribly to swallow.


I'm stuck with warm salt water gargles because the stores are closed... will go get something for this in the morning... anyone have a favorite "go to" for this type of thing???

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By now, you should hopefully feel better.

Lots of rest

Chicken soup with tons of garlic - just lots and lots of garlic overall, to the point where no one wants to hang around you. Works for me every time.

Vitamin D3 is known as the “antibiotic vitaminâ€

At least 5000 IU daily through cold and flu season

Remember with exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects.

So if a germ is coming on, your body can easily handle 30,000 IU that day. Two 5,000 softgels in the morning, two more in the afternoon and two more in the evening are safe. Just think of it as if you spend the day in the sun and hopefully you can shut down the germ.

When you feel like you’re getting sick, you can take:

10,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 30,000 IU total for day

8,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 24,000 IU total for day

6,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 18,000 IU total for day

4,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 12,000 IU total for day

Back to normal intake of D3 – whether you normally take 2,000, 5,000, or whatever

This is what we do and it works like a charm. :)

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