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Describe your Christmas dinner traditions here.

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We haven't had a fixed tradition as far as what we eat. It's my middle ds's birthday, so I now let him choose his "birthday dinner."


Conveniently for me, the cook, he prefers cheeseburgers to ham or turkey :lol: so that's very easy. He also asked for Boston cream pie for his cake so I'll make that for him.


Growing up, we had Christmas dinner at my uncle and aunt's house, usually turkey, with many trimmings. My parents kept it up even though they hated leaving home on Christmas Day.


What are your traditions?

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Well, LOL, I usually make a traditional turkey dinner at some point during the season. This year it was yesterday (Friday). On Christmas Eve we go out to eat at Carraba's if we are home alone, with no relatives visiting, etc. We did that this year. For Christmas morning, my husband likes to buy cinnamon and orange pop-up rolls and he makes those (we don't normally eat breakfast in our house).


This year, I happen to have a pound of sausage in the fridge, so I thought I'd fix that. I also picked up two different kinds of sausage links that we'd tried and liked recently. So I already had quite a bit of sausage in the house. I just found out this evening that my husband decided to buy not one, but two pounds of sausage when he went to the store, so now, LOL, we seem to have sausages of all sorts coming out our ears.... Maybe it's a new tradition....

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When it's just us, we have prime rib, latkes, salad. That's what we had tonight because my husband is working tomorrow.


In the past, when we've had extended family for dinner, it's been turkey, some kind of roast, or leg of lamb, and a ridiculous array of trimmings and desserts.

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