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Does this math program exist

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Ok, what I want is a program that introduces a new concept. Then has like a full worksheet to practice it, not just 4 problems. Then it is incorporated into the review problems. So maybe they would have 20 new concept problems 20 review problems over lots of different material. Then another 20 on the same concept with 20 review. Then introduce another new concept. It seems like she needs introduction and meaningful practice for a new concept like equivalent fractions, but I still would want her to practice long multiplication, long subtraction, measurement, etc. If she had to do only multiplication for a month,then only fractions for 6 weeks, I think we would both be crazy. At the same time Horizons goes too fast for a new concept and it doesn't look like Saxon has enough practice on the new concept either.


OOPs. I thought this was the K-8 board. But in a way, my older son could use the same for Geometry. TT didn't have nearly enough practice for him. Neither does Chalkdust and Chalkdust has SO much information in one lesson: ordered pairs of vectors, distance of vectors, sum of vectors, and product of vectors was all in the same lesson. I needed this broken into 4 different lesssons with 30 problems on each concept.

Edited by choirfarm
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I don't know a program like that, but then again Saxon is really all I do know. When we say that there are 4 or so practice problems on the current lesson topic, it's important to note that within the teaching of the lesson, there are several problems which are worked out as examples. To do the lesson well, the student should be working these alongside the book, so they do have more practice than just the few which are given at the end of the lesson. But it's still no where near 20. I hope you're able to find what you're looking for. :)

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Lial is sort of like this. It has zillions of problems for each lesson, review problems for each chapter (zillions also), and then a cumulative review section following each chapter.


Ok.. I have the Lial's Algebra for next year. But what about Geometry. For some reason I was thinking Lial didn't do Geometry. To be honest, I'm going to the curriculum store and will look at what they have used and new to see if I can find a textbook like that. But if I knew what I was looking for, it would be better.

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