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Should I set up the Kindle Fires before Christmas?

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We got our kids each a Kindle Fire for Christmas. It is pretty much their only present for Christmas morning, other than some small stocking presents and a few other presents from relatives. I have read some things online about the Fire being nitpicky to set up, ie, wifi not working right, etc.


I would hate for something to go wrong and one (or all) of them not be able to use their one and only present on Christmas day. I am leaning toward setting each one up before wrapping them.


My hesitation with this is that I know my 12yo would love to do the unboxing himself and set it up. He is very techie-minded and enjoys that sort of thing. The other conundrum is that he has the Kindle app on his iPod Touch and could see the Fires on the account (if I understand how it all works correctly).


So, what would you do? And if you have the Fire, did you have any problems with set-up?

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Yes, make sure everything works on the Fire. I love Amazon and Kindle but I have had problems playing movies on my new Fire. I can't get Prime and You Tube to work at all. Right now Amazon and I are trying to resolve the issue with the device I have but I think there must be something wrong with it so it will probably have to be replaced. Just make sure everything is cool with your Fires before the kids open them!

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Anyone care to break the tie?
I wouldn't do it. I think setting things up is part of "owning" the device. As mentioned, it is straightforward.


What I would do is check Amazon's Free App of the Day every day until Christmas and grab the ones that you think they might like (and you would want them to have). That way they will have something they can download to play with on Christmas.

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I set up two (for hubby's grandparents) and they were very easy and quick to do. I would vote on just waiting. I don't think you'll have any problems and it will be sort of fun for them to do on Christmas morning.


I agree. My dh's was easy to set up. :)

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Ok, the waitings have it. :001_smile:


Re: Free app of the day...will techie DS see them on his app or if he goes on Amazon on the computer? He goes on frequently because he is building a computer and checks prices.


They are each getting $50 Amazon gift cards from a relative, so they will be downloading like crazy on Christmas (hopefully Amazon is prepared for the onslaught - we've had Leapster and Webkinz disasters in the past).

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Re: Free app of the day...will techie DS see them on his app or if he goes on Amazon on the computer? He goes on frequently because he is building a computer and checks prices.
I'm guessing since he is 12 that it is your Amazon account and that you get the emails for purchases, but I don't know since MomsintheGarden has both the Kindle Fire AND owns the account.


When I purchase a free app, all I do is click 'Get Now with 1-click'. Then I see a confirmation page. Then MomsintheGarden gets an email about the purchase. Since her Kindle Fire is already registered, the apps do NOT show up on the Fire so they do not take up any space. They are just available for free in the future.


You CAN see what is available on the Amazon account IF you have the login password and you click Your Account->View Your Digital Orders and then login. If your son has not found the order for the Kindle Fire, yet, I doubt he would be able to find this, either.


But if he somehow has his own Amazon account (is that possible for a 12yo?), then I don't think you can purchase (free) apps for him without is knowledge.

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But if he somehow has his own Amazon account (is that possible for a 12yo?), then I don't think you can purchase (free) apps for him without is knowledge.


Some parents are setting their kids up with their own amazon account to prevent possible charges on their (parents') accounts. You can put a Visa gift card # in as the credit card #. (When the money's gone, it's gone).

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Some parents are setting their kids up with their own amazon account to prevent possible charges on their (parents') accounts. You can put a Visa gift card # in as the credit card #. (When the money's gone, it's gone).
I would question whether that violates Amazon's Conditions of Use policy, particularly the following:

If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Amazon does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under 18, you may use Amazon.com only with involvement of a parent or guardian. Amazon reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in their sole discretion.

Bolding is my own. I suppose what you describe would fit under the definition of "involvement".
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I did set up my 9 year old daughter's last week, and then put it back in the box. I downloaded a couple of books and apps for her as additional presents. While it was easy to do, I know my daughter would hacve been very disappointed had it not worked correctly. For that reason alone, I wanted to makwe sure it was in working order.

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Can you set it up, check it out to make sure it works and then put it back in the box? I think opening them up and setting them up are part of the fun. I was verrrrrrrrry unhappy when DH starting digging into my new serger box and setting it up. I learn from hands on doing things and wanted to figure it out myself.

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Both of our children are getting an Amazon Fire for Christmas.


I found out two weeks ago that I will have to share my Amazon account with both children so they can take advantage of my Amazon Prime account.


I can easily create accounts for them as a "guest" of my Prime account, but they can't have access to the instant movies or once a month book borrowing (maybe something else).


I contacted Amazon several times to vent about having to share my account that has a credit card attached, but the only way for both children to share books, apps, movies, etc. is to have the one account.

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I chose to set my boys' up. Since they're linked to my account, I wanted to make sure it worked. I also didn't want 5 boys waiting on us to get them connected to our wireless, since those things often don't go as planned.


Turned out it was easy enough, but I'm happy I did it. I was able to see that they'd be able to see any book I have on my account, even if it's not on their device, so I was able to delete the free copy of Sheet Music I'd gotten :blushing:.

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Is it possible to at least have them be fully charged? Nothing worse than waking up Christmas morning and having to wait for batteries to charge.
The two we bought for birthdays in November were fully charged when they got here. Also, they can be used while charging, which will likely be necessary Christmas day if they are popular.
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