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Recommendations for inexpensive laptop for my mom???

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Hello Hive,


I'd like to get my computer-illiterate mother a PC Laptop. I"m a Mac person so I have no idea which models are considered good. I just want her to be able to have facetime with the kids. She'll likely do some facebook as my other family members do so as well. I'm going w/ a PC b/c all of my family near her uses PCs so they will be able to help her set it up. I live on the other side of the country from her.


Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Capt Uhura

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I did some research before buying our current laptop and Asus seemed to have good reviews as far as reliability went so that is what we got.


Our prior laptop was an Acer and we started having problems with it after about a year. I do NOT want to replace my laptop in a year's time no matter how improved the new technology is! I guess I'm weird that way :D.

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I've had an ASUS netbook for nearly 2 years now, and I use it almost every day. Netbooks are smaller and cheaper than notebooks, and the software that comes with them is simplified (I also have a notebook for more complicated tasks). I think I paid about $300 for my netbook, and it was worth every penny! ASUS is the top brand for netbooks. You can get an Acer for a little cheaper, but the ASUS netbooks are well worth the higher cost for the better quality, and will still easily fit in your budget.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Capt.. did you figure it out yet? We bought the kids Acer Aspire laptops with an Intel Core i3 processor and they have been good computers. One of the computer's processors went kaput right off the bat, but they replaced it free of charge and the other one has been fine. We got it on sale at Staples for about $350 each.

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