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Why are nutritional Rda's so wrong?

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Why don't doctors tell us the correct amount of vitamins and minerals that we need?


Because I don't think anybody actually knows for sure how much of each vitamin and mineral is needed. They know how much is dangerously too much, and they know how little is dangerously too little, but I do not believe scientists are able to pinpoint exactly how many milli- or micrograms of each vitamin a body needs.

I would also suspect that these numbers would greatly depend on the lifestyle of the person, the other dietary contributions, her health and possibly genetic makeup.

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Don't the actual amounts of various nutrients a person needs vary enormously? I've trying to remember my college nutrition class eons ago, but as I recall this is actually a very complicated issue. Nutrient requirements vary by age, sex, activity level, body size and composition, etc. Plus, some vitamins and minerals use the same carrier proteins and can potentially inhibit each others' absorption, and others complement each other, so consuming different foods in the same meal makes a huge difference. I think this is why doctors always default to "eat a varied diet with lots of fruits and vegetables;" it's very hard to pinpoint *exactly* what people need.


If I remember correctly, a lot of the minimum recommendations are more or less made up as well (like the difference between M and F zinc recommendations). We don't know exactly what some nutrients do or how quickly they're "used up" by various processes, and new research comes out all the time. I think pinpointing the optimal amount of many nutrients would be so situation-specific it would be pretty impractical. Except for things like fat-soluble vitamins (which have a maximum RDA as well as a minimum), most just get flushed out in our urine if we don't use them, so it's easier just to make sure we get lots of them (in other words, treat the RDA as a bare minimum) and let our bodies dump whatever is left over, rather than spending time figuring out exactly what we need.

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USA Rda's for food are the minimal and are for preventing disease in third world countries. They are wayyy off and do not help determine optimum daily health. Why don't doctors tell us the correct amount of vitamins and minerals that we need? It's ridiculous!


I'll take a stab here and say that they are wrong because it's just one more ineffective federal government program.


(Not that all are ineffective, and not that the USDA as a whole is useless.)

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