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SL's Eastern Hemisphere Explorer -- what did you think?


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We are doing Sonlight's Core 5 (or F, or whatever they switched it to). We are happy with the books (although we skip most of the missionary books), but just so-so with the Eastern Hem. Explorer.


My son does it and it's not too hard for him, but he just plods through it to get it finished. He doesn't do his best, doesn't care much about it, doesn't try too hard because that would take too long. (And it would take a long time to do a great job on all those pages. ) So, he's just very ho-hum, just kinda fine, kinda dull about it.


I think I would approach it the same way if I were a 12 year-old. I hate to see him so blah,blah,blah about such interesting topics.


We haven't used a workbook approach in our homeschool, and so this is kind of a drag.


Anyone have any suggestions for the best way to use the Eastern Hem. Explorer? (I seem to have expired from the SL boards, so I can't ask over there...) Did any of you push your kids through it? Were you glad you did? Did you wish you hadn't spent all that time? I'd love to hear any opinions.

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I picked and chose topics in the EHE. It would have just ruined my dd's love for geography/culture studies if I'd had assigned every bit of the EHE. And there is SO much in the EHE... it would take FOREVER to answer every single question. Neither of us cared that dd ended up with plenty of blank spots in EHE.


Also, I went to the library and checked out Enchantment of the World volumes for the countries being studied, rather than relying on the World Book. My dd did use the World Book for some of the EHE research, but the EoW volumes had a lot of the information and my dd enjoyed reading them (she didn't enjoy World Book). We added in some countries that SL didn't assign, and we cut several weeks off from the scheduled time for studying some countries (China, India, Russia).

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I picked and chose topics in the EHE. It would have just ruined my dd's love for geography/culture studies if I'd had assigned every bit of the EHE. And there is SO much in the EHE... it would take FOREVER to answer every single question. Neither of us cared that dd ended up with plenty of blank spots in EHE.


Also, I went to the library and checked out Enchantment of the World volumes for the countries being studied, rather than relying on the World Book. My dd did use the World Book for some of the EHE research, but the EoW volumes had a lot of the information and my dd enjoyed reading them (she didn't enjoy World Book). We added in some countries that SL didn't assign, and we cut several weeks off from the scheduled time for studying some countries (China, India, Russia).


Thanks for your suggestion. I've been considering letting him choose what looks most interesting for each country. And I've been wishing I had books instead of the computer encyclopedia. It's nice, but the pictures aren't great. I just looked for Enchantment of the World at my library and see that it has many of them, so I'm going to try those out.

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My dd13 is nearing the end of core 5 and she has used EHE and been fine with it - but that's probably a lot due to her personality.


When my older kids did the same core a few years ago, we ended up dropping most of the EHE. Instead, I would have them read the World Book articles, then type up five things they had learned in that day's reading. At the end of each country study, they would create pages in a visual arts diary about that country. Included would be all the info they had typed from their readings, maps, pictures, other info etc.



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My 15yr old is using it. Since he is older and knows how to research he has to find answers to everything. Some are harder to find and he has to use unconventional methods to get an answer. I am glad we waited to do this core at an older age because he is getting so much out of it by searching the different web sites he goes to. Years ago my middle son used the old EHE when he was in 7th and did not get much from it. He just scanned the World book for answers not really absorbing the info. This time around, with the newer EHE and an older child, I am finding it a great tool for World Geography.

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We're using this and so far it's been a good year. I look over the EHE answers before I even assign them, because there are some of the sections that I just read the answers to them and have some discussion (Monumental Moments is one). Sometimes we do the research together for fun, sometimes they do it on their own. I open the maps answer key to let them use it as their guide when filling their own maps in. We've not been too keen on the China activity kit, sadly, but have found additional craft ideas online and in the Geography Through Art book. Almost once a week, though, they like to produce some kind of cultural meal. Since we're on week 13, this Friday the girls decided to make the family a bunch of egg rolls and dumplings for supper. I don't mind the food focus at all. ;) I am being careful to watch the pace of the scheduled days, because some have been so lite and others have been ridiculously burdensome. We're enjoying the Bible notebook, but I have to help with the instructions due to its lack of clear directions. So, all in all it has been a good year. Trying to make some memories for them that I can carry with me to my rocking chair days ahead. :)

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My son had the idea of doing just the maps, a project from Choose Your Own Adventure, and just one other page of my choosing. So he'll still be doing some research and geography, but not soooo much workbooky stuff. Of course he'll still do all the reading.


I thought this was a great idea, and we're going to try it for a month or so along with the books from the library.


Thanks for everyone's input. It is so helpful to hear what other folks are doing!

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