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anyone taking the SAT tomorrow?

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my dd 12 is taking it for the first time.


I hope to use it to get more info on her abilities.

She's strong verbally but no where near ready for the math portion.

I think I will have her put all 'a' s or something for the math parts.


any last min tips or info to share?


There is a penalty for marking answers wrong; I believe you lose a quarter point for a wrong answer while you do not lose any points for skipping a question. Rather than marking answer a if she doesn't know the answer, I'd just suggest she do the questions she knows and skip the rest.


It's a very LONG test (close to four hours). Have her take a granola bar or other quick snack in her pocket for the break time. Have her use the restroom before the test starts as there can be long waits at the break time.


Wish her luck ... and tell her you love her no matter how she does!




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My 17yo daughter is also taking it for the first time. She used the Princeton Review SAT prep book.


She is strong in English so we are hoping for a good showing there. Based on her practice tests we do not have high hopes for the math, so I will have her do the Chalkdust course this summer/fall before she takes it again as a Senior.


AND she is so stressed she is making us all miserable today :ack2:

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we just signed up for the test so we have only had a few weeks to think about it.


I want to keep the stress off dd since she's only 12. I have noticed though she really does not like the test prep book I picked up.

She does LOVE the question of the day. She's gotten all the verbal questions (all but one) right.


Is there anyone that has taken the test AND used the question of the day?

Are these representative of the test?


She comes down every day asking to answer the question of the day.


When I pull out the practice book she moans.

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Is there anyone that has taken the test AND used the question of the day?

Are these representative of the test?



I asked my daughter this (she took the actual test in March). She said that the verbal questions were representative.


Her feeling about the question of the day math problems is that, in general, they were either quite easy or difficult (rather than the middle of the road questions that are more common on the actual test).


She felt that doing the SAT Preparation Center questions (also available on line) was very helpful. You can find these at this link:




They are in a blue shaded box on the left hand side of the page.


Best wishes to all of tomorrow's test takers!




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My 17 year old dd is taking it for the first time tomorrow. She hasn't prepared for the test but it will be a trial run for her. She took the psat twice and improved tremendously on the second try. We will see how she does and then this summer when she has time can study for a retry in the fall.


This test always bugs me and I wish they would discontinue it. My middle daughter got a 1175 on the earlier version which isn't stellar yet she has aquired a 3.85 so far in college with a nursing degree (she just finished her jr. year) A lot of scholarships are based on SAT scores and I don't think they always represent what a student can achieve in college.

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Yep, DD 17 is taking it for the first time. She did pretty well on the PSAT, so I think she'll be ok. She hasn't prepared all that much.... not like she did for the psat.....because I signed her up fairly late, and she just hasn't had much time. She's not very happy with me (heh heh) in this regard, but I told her "just do it". If she tanks in any one area (doubt it) she can brush up and take it again in fall. We'll see.

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DD (12) took the SAT yesterday.

I was eager to get her feed back as we did not have much time to prepare for the test. I gave her plenty of assurance that I loved her and was proud of her effort and accomplishments regardless of any results.


first question... how do you feel about it?

She said she felt fine with the questions. She only answerd the verbal portion, as I advised her (at 12 she's no where near ready for higher math)


Then she stated they were instructed no to discuss ANY details of the test with ANYONE, parents included.


I only want to figure out what we need to work on for next year. She would not budge saying her scores could be cancelled if she talked.


Now I'm left waiting for the results from the college board at the end of the month.


I try to raise the kids to follow instructions. I only wish she had the same resolve when I ask her to clean her room. :confused:

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Then she stated they were instructed no to discuss ANY details of the test with ANYONE, parents included.




???? My daughter is still sleeping but I am going to ask her about that.


She did tell me the writing prompt and described some of the critical reading sections. She was vague about the math - just said that some sections seemed easier than others.

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