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How do you choose the poetry your child will memorize?


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I know it's mentioned in TWTM and I see that many of the plans shared here include poetry memorization.


Are you extracting the list of poems to be memorized from a particular curriculum that you use and own? Is there a "big book of poems" that you like to use to choose poetry?


My DS will be a 3rd grader this coming Fall. I would like to add poetry memorization to his 3rd grade plan, but I don't even know where to begin to choose the poetry to be memorized.


Tips? Resources?


Thank you!

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There are many ways to choose. I mostly use the poems in this.

because I like the selections and I like that they are pre-recorded so I can put them on our memory CD. My kids get a kick out of his voice too. We also do other poems that come up in relation to our history studies, or just because we like them.

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If you have the time to select from it, consider using the poems in that book. If you are short on time, try to get the IEW poetry memorization CDs. That program is inferior to Berquist but better to have something that gets done than to have superior material that just sits on the shelf. And of course, if you have abundant time, look through anthologies of poetry and make your own selections. Doing so could bring you great joy. HTH

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Like Mindy, we're using the CD prepared by the folks at IEW-- Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization. It starts out gently, the selections are fun, and the work has been done for me-- what more can you ask for,lol! I'm not a big poetry kind of gal, so the CD comes in very handy for use in the car or at home.

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We are also using Andrew Pudewa's Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization: A Mastery Learning Approach. I'm doing it alongside my girls. The Poems at the beginning of Level 1 are fun, silly type poems, so my 12 yodd rebelled in the beginning. After two months we've been able to memorize 11 poems and my 12yodd is enjoying the challenge of reciting them back to back.

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We do a poet study every term. We read two poems a week. I read the poem the first day, my daughter the second day and my son the third day (one gets read on weekend -we read poetry over breakfast). If the poem is in What Your ___ Needs to Know or is a "must know" then we do that at beginning of poet study and that is one they memorize. Otherwise, the kids pick their own poems from this poet for memorizing and at end of study we have a poetry recital. I find that three days of listening/reading and then having them copy the poem in the copy work journal helps quite a bit.

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I like IEW also and have incorporated a poet study, too. When we did Emily Dickinson the boys memorized three of her poems and read biographies on her. We did the same for the other poets that we studied. I also made up a quiz about each poet and the answers were based on their poetry and the readings that the boys did about them.:001_smile:

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We use The Harp and Laurel Wreath and we're focusing on the Early Years section which I feel is for K-3. I pick the poems based on content and length, having a smaller pool to choose from makes it easier for me. We have 50 or so poetry books, I was spending time selecting poems from all of them but I decided to make it simpler by just using The Harp and Laurel Wreath for memorization and reading the other books for pleasure.


I don't know if it will help but here's our 3rd grade plan for poetry.

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