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Help getting started HS w/5 children

Guest tgoodmanbilbe

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Guest tgoodmanbilbe

I'd like to introduce myself, as I am new to this forum (new to a forum in general--I'm totally technologically challenged and may be posting in the wrong forum!).


I am a mother of five (DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m), and all of my children have been raised in an AMI Montessori school from age 18m-present. We are about to adventure into homeschooling (and out of our familiar place in Montessori methods) beginning in January, and I'm trying to do my research.


I've been reading WTM (LOVE IT!), and I'm trying to begin selection of materials from the resources provided. I am so overwhelmed, however, with the choices, and trying to do for children at so many different grade levels (not to mention the cost of so many different leveled guide books, etc!).


I know the WTM matrix and Chapter 7 discussion suggest a four year cycle specified by grade, but is it a wrong move to just begin all of my children (grades pre-K, K, 2, and 4) at the Ancients and move them through together? I plan to individualize their language and math, but I was hoping this consolidation of information in history and enrichment would not be a bad idea.


Any thoughts?


And if I have posted to the incorrect forum, will someone please guide me to the right place to receive this type of support.





Mama of DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m

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I'd like to introduce myself, as I am new to this forum (new to a forum in general--I'm totally technologically challenged and may be posting in the wrong forum!).


I am a mother of five (DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m), and all of my children have been raised in an AMI Montessori school from age 18m-present. We are about to adventure into homeschooling (and out of our familiar place in Montessori methods) beginning in January, and I'm trying to do my research.


I've been reading WTM (LOVE IT!), and I'm trying to begin selection of materials from the resources provided. I am so overwhelmed, however, with the choices, and trying to do for children at so many different grade levels (not to mention the cost of so many different leveled guide books, etc!).


I know the WTM matrix and Chapter 7 discussion suggest a four year cycle specified by grade, but is it a wrong move to just begin all of my children (grades pre-K, K, 2, and 4) at the Ancients and move them through together? I plan to individualize their language and math, but I was hoping this consolidation of information in history and enrichment would not be a bad idea.


Any thoughts?


And if I have posted to the incorrect forum, will someone please guide me to the right place to receive this type of support.





Mama of DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m



Actually the book has an appendix that recommends doing exactly that, just keeping all the kids on the same history/science cycle. So I'd start with Ancients for everyone this coming year, then move on to Medieval, then Renaissance, then Modern. Your DS-9 will likely get through the cycle just 2 times but that's perfectly fine for him and the younger kids will get through the cycle 3 times, once in each stage. Doing Science and History together will also help save you money on curriculum, you can just start with Story of the World as your spine and have each child read other books at their own level and do coloring/writing assignments at their own level, but all on the same subject.


You might want to check out the blog Preschoolers and Peace, the author, Kendra, uses a Classical method with her 8 kids and she combines a lot of subjects into Circle Time, which might be a good tactic for you.

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Actually the book has an appendix that recommends doing exactly that, just keeping all the kids on the same history/science cycle. So I'd start with Ancients for everyone this coming year, then move on to Medieval, then Renaissance, then Modern. Your DS-9 will likely get through the cycle just 2 times but that's perfectly fine for him and the younger kids will get through the cycle 3 times, once in each stage. Doing Science and History together will also help save you money on curriculum, you can just start with Story of the World as your spine and have each child read other books at their own level and do coloring/writing assignments at their own level, but all on the same subject.


You might want to check out the blog Preschoolers and Peace, the author, Kendra, uses a Classical method with her 8 kids and she combines a lot of subjects into Circle Time, which might be a good tactic for you.


I agree! We have always done history and often science together and certainly do Bible as a family. We also do roots (Greek and Latin) together and Kendra's Circle Time e-book would probably be very helpful. Here is her blog: http://www.preschoolersandpeace.com/


Welcome to homeschooling! :001_smile:

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I'd like to introduce myself, as I am new to this forum (new to a forum in general--I'm totally technologically challenged and may be posting in the wrong forum!).


I am a mother of five (DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m), and all of my children have been raised in an AMI Montessori school from age 18m-present. We are about to adventure into homeschooling (and out of our familiar place in Montessori methods) beginning in January, and I'm trying to do my research.


I've been reading WTM (LOVE IT!), and I'm trying to begin selection of materials from the resources provided. I am so overwhelmed, however, with the choices, and trying to do for children at so many different grade levels (not to mention the cost of so many different leveled guide books, etc!).


I know the WTM matrix and Chapter 7 discussion suggest a four year cycle specified by grade, but is it a wrong move to just begin all of my children (grades pre-K, K, 2, and 4) at the Ancients and move them through together? I plan to individualize their language and math, but I was hoping this consolidation of information in history and enrichment would not be a bad idea.


Any thoughts?


And if I have posted to the incorrect forum, will someone please guide me to the right place to receive this type of support.





Mama of DS-9, DD-7.5, DD-6, DS-4.5, and DD-18m


For our humanities we have chosen Tapestry of Grace. It is Christian based. It keeps our 5 + grades on the same era of history (which I *highly* recommend). It offers a writing plan that uses the history and literature selections as topics.


We personalize Science, Math, Logic, and Latin.


It took me a while to understand the program, but now it is invaluable for our large family.


Welcome to the boards. You might also get more attention with this question on Curriculum board.



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Welcome! You are in the right place.


Your plan to start them in the same time period is an excellent one.


As for your other materials, I suggest start out slowly. I would first buy things for your oldest at little bit at a time. That way you can get a feel for what things will work for your family without a major investment.


And if you know anybody in real life that is homeschooling, ask to see what they are using. There is nothing like being able to get your hands on things to see if they will really work for you.

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definitely keep them all in the same time period. I have 5 children and this is what we do. I just get appropriate level readers for each of them. I couldn't imagine doing it any other way. Some of them happen to hit the WTM 4 yr schedule exactly this way, some of them are a year or two off. I don't see that it matters at all as long as the material is being covered a couple of times at different levels during their 12 years.

Welcome to homeschooling!

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Guest tgoodmanbilbe

Thank you for the quick insights & guidance!!! I feel better about consolidating all of my children's history exposure in the Ancients! And I really appreciate the website tip! What a welcoming group!


...my self-confidence is growing after these responses!! Thanks!



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I would absolutely keep them together for History and Science. I individualize Language, Math, English, and Logic, and everything else I treat as group work. (It is just one sanity maintaining trick I've wondered into over the years.)


My very best advice for starting from scratch, with multiple kids is as follows:


Start with the basics, then branch out. Focus on Math and Reading as well as one "fun" subject like History in the beginning. Once you've got that flowing well you can gradually add grammar, logic, etc, etc, until you have everything you feel important in the mix.


And begin to mentally prepare for the reality that there is no such thing as the perfect homeschool day, or method, or schedule any more than there is any other perfect thing in life. Letting go of the notion of achieving perfection was hard for me, but our schooling has been more productive and our experience more enjoyable since I've made that change.

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