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I don't mind change. I just don't like to be there when it happens....

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I'm glad it's working again, too!


change is hard, I was just thinking about how when I first visited the hive boards I didn't like the format and found it hard to use...then I got used to it, now I find this kind of hard to get used to. I do like seeing everyone's photos and avatar images, nice to link an image to a name.


I used to be Jen in Ca, now I'm...

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To keep the board from moving around and driving you crazy, you change the options down at the very bottom of the main board page. For example, I changed the sorting option from "The last post" to "Thread start time". The wording may not be exact as I'm typing from memory. The board does not save this change though so you may have to re-sort it as you go from board to board. I hope that this helps. I do wish that the change could be saved but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

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I want to know too. How do I keep them from changing? And is there a way to filter just the new posts that I haven't looked at yet?


Yes, just click on the New Posts button at the top of the screen in the blue row. It will pull up all the posts that you haven't read or the posts that have had new responses since you last visited. :) Also, if you click the small, blue arrow in front of the the title it will take you to the first unread post. That way you don't have to scroll down through all the posts that you have already read.

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