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*Stoopid* ipad2 question #3

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How much time will you be spending away from a wifi hotspot? Unless your family will be using the iPad on cross country road trips, you may not even need the 3G.


Some people buy the wifi/3G (which is $130 more expensive than just wifi) and don't sign up with a carrier to use the 3G. They just want the option of being able to get a 3G subscription at some later point if they want to. My MIL did this, and so far is deciding against getting a 3G subscription because there is wifi everywhere she goes (coffeeshop, home, book store, airports, etc.). I asked her if she wished she had saved the $130 and just bought wifi only, and she said no, she likes having the option there just in case. (I personally would skip getting the wifi/3G.)


If you get the wifi/3G and want to buy a subscription, Verizon has the widest coverage in the United States (according to the independent tech websites that address this question). However, AT&T has almost a monopoly in Europe, so if you plan on taking your iPad on a trip over there, that's the way to go. Generally, the companies have more or less the same coverage for a typical area of the U.S., so you may just want to go with the cheaper carrier.

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I have 3G and love having it when I need it.

I live in Europe and put in a Vodofone microchip so I can buy 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or one month at a time.

When I go to the states I put the AT&T microchip back in and buy the $20 for one month service and shut off the service after the month.

A really cool thing I learned is the phone rep. Has a thing that looks like a stapler and it trims chips down to microchips :o)

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It's also an option to get the wifi version and upgrade your cell to one that acts as a hotspot or to buy a separate hotspot. We have one from Verizon thatwe pay about $40 per month to use. It allows us to get all devices on when we are traveling instead of just the iPad. We don't use it that much though and both dh and I will switch to cellphones that can be used as hotspots when we upgrade next year so we can drop the service.

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