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Prob a silly question


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Thanks for the nice replies I am sure by now that many of the other accelerated moms think I'm crazy so to further not make myself look silly I just wanted to take my post off. I think if I had another hour to think about It I wouldn't have thought it was so interesting.

Edited by roanna
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Oddly enough, I have a daughter the same age as yours who's been counting to 14 too, and we don't know where she learned it either. I'm not convinced it's true counting in my daughter's case-- I think she's just picked up the idea that pointing at objects and reciting those words in that particular order is a fun/important/grown up thing to do, rather than having a real understanding of numbers that high. It's amazing the things little kids can pick up without anyone consciously showing them!

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She's probably overheard her older sibling or parents counting things at one time or another, even though you aren't practicing counting in school anymore. Counting is something that people do all the time in their daily lives.


My 2 year old is also counting objects with one-to-one correspondence earlier than his brothers (though his oldest brother is quite mathy). I don't know if it will really have any affect on math ability or not, as my kids have good math genes from both parents, so I kind of expect them all to be mathy. Even the 5 year old who is still learning to count to 20 (he has speech/language delays, which seem to have delayed a lot of things) is picking up math facts that I haven't even taught him. He'll tell me that 3+3 is 6 or 4+4 is 8 or 8+2 is 10... and hey, that's the same as 5+5! I haven't taught him these things, but he's just learning them via osmosis, apparently. :001_huh: He's doing well with K-level math (technically a year early, but again, he's not noticeably "mathy" like some kids on this forum, including his older brother). He may turn out to be mathy afterall.

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