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The Teachers Lodge 11-18-2011

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Good morning, all!


Jean, it's Friday! :D



What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: PopTarts. Lunch: ask me then!


Going anywhere today? Co-op here. Then, I'm going to try and figure out a time for today when I can go see Breaking Dawn. Hopefully, I can find a friend to go with me! :)


Plans for the weekend? DH and DS are going camping. Tomorrow morning, a friend and I are going to the AZ Balloon Classic to see the hot air balloons launch; in the afternoon dd and I are meeting friends for lunch and then she and I are going to see a play ("Sherlock Holmes"). Sunday is church and then book club. :auto:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Good Morning. Happy Friday.

Breakfast this morning is granola with Greek yogurt and whatever fruit was just delivered in my produce box.

Lunch will be leftover chili.


Tonight we're going out to dinner. We also have friends coming over for science today.


Weekend plans?? Not yet. Unless you count sleeping late and drinking my first cup of coffee in bed a plan for the weekend.

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Good morning, all! Good Morning!


Jean, it's Friday! :DI actually knew that this morning!:lol:



What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: PopTarts. Lunch: ask me then! PopTarts :svengo: I'm having 2 eggs, 1 low glycemic English muffin, jam and water


Lunch will be a salad with protein


Going anywhere today? Not going anywhere today, that I know of.


Plans for the weekend? Tomorrow is my birthday. In the evening we're going out to eat at a nice seafood restaurant. Then afterward we're going to hear our friend's swing band play. Sunday will be church stuff.


Talk to me!:bigear:


I hope that you have a good day today.

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It's finally Friday!



What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: waffles. Kids had sandwiches for lunch. I'm having the other half of my hamburger from last night.


Going anywhere today? DD14 has her high school co-op all day on Fridays. I had to drop her off at 8:435 and will pick her up at 2. DD4 had dance class from 10-11am. One of the little girls I babysit had preschool from 9-1pm. I had to take and pick her up. DD14 has a bible study from 5-6:30. I have my book club/mom's group this evening from 7pm until.....


Plans for the weekend? Tomorrow we will spend a good portion of the morning doing some deep cleaning/holiday prep before the in-laws arrive on Monday evening. In the afternoon, we will be serving at church with two different ministries. I have to work on Saturday night. Sunday is full of church activities and last minute holiday prep.

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Guten Tag, y'all.


I just got back from the one place I had to go today - DD's school to help serve Thanksgiving lunch. They invite parents/grandparents/family friends to come eat with the kids and serve a more-or-less traditional Thanksgiving dinner. DH and DS came to eat with DD while I served. DH is going to take off here in a bit to take his stepfather to the doctor, which should be an ordeal and a half. I don't envy him the job. I just hope my van survives without a stench.


Tomorrow DD has a group violin lesson and then I'm going to a friend's birthday party in the evening. Other than that, I think that's all we've got going. Unless I get a crooked hair and decide we HAVE to go somewhere on Sunday, but I think DH would die. He wants to stay home and watch Homestead to see whether Edwards or Stewart wins the Sprint Cup. :tongue_smilie:

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?

Going anywhere today?

Plans for the weekend?


Breakfast was over easy eggs, sausage and toast.

Lunch was cheese quesadillas with salsa.

I'll be running to the grocery store and the library in a bit.

Weekend plans include an Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Party tonight. The rest of the weekend will revolve around getting ready for the company coming next week.

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